Last updated Jul 26, 2024

What is a scorecard?

Scorecards in Compass are a set of criteria that you can apply to a component to measure its health. Each criterion, such as adding a component owner team or adding documentation, has a weight associated with it. All criteria add up to 100% completion, and the current percentage based on the completed criteria represents the score of the component.

Scorecards provide you with strong guidance to cultivate behavior that improves your organization’s DevOps practices. They offer you a framework to ensure your software components are healthy and teams are following the recommended best practices. Scorecards not only show a component’s health but also indicate the areas that need improvement.

Built-in scorecards come on every Compass site and are automatically applied to your components. These scorecards have fields that can't be edited, nor can they be removed from components. Custom scorecards are scorecards you create, edit, and apply as you see fit.

Your Compass site comes with two built-in scorecards that are automatically applied to all your components. This is to help you complete your Compass component catalog.

Built-in scorecards

Component readiness scorecard

The component readiness scorecard measures how ready your components are for use in a production environment. It's applied to all your components automatically, and can't be edited nor deleted.

The scorecard has the following criteria and weight for each criterion:

Owner team40%

DevOps health scorecard

The DevOps health scorecard helps your team measure the key information and metrics associated with high-performing development teams. It's applied to all your service components automatically, and can't be edited nor deleted.

The scorecard has the following criteria and weight for each criterion:

Owner team25%
Pull request cycle time25%
Deployment frequency25%

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