Last updated Jan 23, 2025

Available predefined metrics

Compass provides predefined metrics for you to connect to your components and display metric data.

Predefined metrics list

Availability (last 28 days)
Percent of time over the last 28 days that this component has been available.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/availability-28d
Suffix: %
Unit: percent
Example: 9.4%

Reliability (last 28 days)
Percent of requests over the last 28 days that have had a successful response.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/reliability-28d
Suffix: %
Unit: percent
Example: 9.94%

MTTR (last 10 incidents)
MTTR (mean time to resolve) is the average time it takes to fully resolve a failure, as measured from when an incident occurs (making the component dysfunctional) to when the component becomes fully functional again, measured over the last 10 incidents.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/mttr-avg-last-10
Suffix: min
Unit: minute(s)
Example: 10 minutes
Can be derived from Incident events.

Change Failure rate (last 28 days)
The ratio of changes that failed to apply or cause an impact on the component compared to the overall changes made to the component over the last 28 days.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/change-failure-rate-28d
Suffix: %
Unit: percent
Example: 5%

Unit Test Coverage (last ten builds average)
The ratio of lines of code that had a test run against it in a build, compared to the total lines of code for a component, calculated as an average over the last ten builds. ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/unit-test-coverage-avg-last-10
Suffix: %
Unit: percent
Example: 71.4%

Cyclomatic Complexity (last ten builds average)
Measurement of code complexity, which is calculated by counting the number of decisions in a component’s source code, calculated as an average over the last ten builds.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/cyclomatic-complexity-avg-last-10
Suffix: N/A
Unit: decimal
Example: 10

Deployment Time (last 25 average)
The average amount of time it took for a deployment in the production environment to complete over the last 25 deployments.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/deployment-time-avg-last-25
Suffix: min
Unit: minute(s)
Example: 57 minutes
Can be derived from Deployment events.

Build Time (last ten average)
The average amount of time it took for a build event to finish over the last ten successful build events.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/build-time-avg-last-10
Suffix: min
Unit: minute(s)
Example: 1 minute
Can be derived from Build events.

Open Pull Requests
The count of currently open pull requests for a component.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/open-pull-requests
Suffix: N/A
Unit: decimal
Example: 100

Open Vulnerabilities
The count of currently open vulnerabilities for a component.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/open-vulnerabilities
Suffix: N/A
Unit: decimal
Example: 5

Build Success Rate
The ratio of build events for this component that were successful compared to all build events (including failed, timed out, etc.). Only the last 25 build events are evaluated.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/build-success-rate
Suffix: %
Unit: percent
Example: 97%
Can be derived from Build events.

Deployment Frequency
The weekly average of times a deployment event to production occurred in the previous four weeks.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/weekly-deployment-frequency-28d
Suffix: deploys / week
Unit: deploys per week over the last 4 weeks
Example: 10 deploys / week
Can be derived from Deployment events.

Pull Request (PR) Cycle Time (average last ten)
How long it took on average for a Pull Request to go from ‘open’ to ‘merged’ over the last ten pull requests.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/pull-request-cycle-time-avg-last-10
Suffix: min
Unit: minute(s)
Example: 184 min

Quality gate conditions passing
The percentage of conditions in a quality gate that are passing.
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/quality-gate-conditions-passing
Suffix: %
Unit: percent
Example: 90%

Open bugs
The number of open bugs for the component, calculated using this JQL query: (component = "<COMPONENT NAME>") AND (issuetype = Bug and statusCategory != Done)
ID: ari:cloud:compass::metric-definition/builtin/open-bugs
Suffix: N/A
Unit: integer
Example: 6 issues

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