Last updated Jan 10, 2025

Watch a component

Keep track of component ownership changes when you ‘watch’ a component, a selection you can make on a component’s details page. You’ll receive an email whenever the component’s owner changes to a new team.

Start watching a component

  1. Go to a component you want to watch for ownership changes.
  2. On the component’s details page, select the watch icon watch icon.
  3. Select Watch component in the dialogue that opens.

The dialogue changes to: You’re watching this component and the eye icon changes to the watching icon watching icon. When the component’s owner changes, you’ll receive an email letting you know who the new owner is.

Stop watching a component

  1. Go to the component you no longer want to receive notifications about ownership changes for.
  2. On the component’s details page, select the watching icon.
  3. Uncheck the Watch component option in the dialogue that opens.

The dialogue changes to: You’re not watching this component and the eye icon changes to watch icon. You’ll no longer receive emails when the component owner changes.

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