CircleCI is a continuous integration delivery platform that helps development teams release code rapidly and automates the build, test, and deploy process.
Compass currently supports CircleCI as a tool to:
We’ll show you how to integrate Compass with CircleCI by installing and configuring the CircleCI app in Compass.
To integrate Compass with CircleCI, you must first install the CircleCI app in Compass. Then, you connect Compass to your CircleCI organizations using an API token.
When you integrate an app with Compass, other Compass users can view events and metrics data sent from the app to Compass, even if they don't have access to that data in the underlying app. For example, when you integrate Bitbucket with Compass, someone who doesn't have access to a repository can see the events and metrics related to that repository in Compass. The same applies to data sent from this app to Compass.
Ensure that you’re an admin on:
You must have access to all the CircleCI organizations you may want to integrate with Compass in order for your API token to work with the setup. Additionally, you'll need to enable "Allow Uncertified Orbs" option for your organization. This option is required for Orbs not produced by CircleCI, and you must be an organization administrator to change it. Learn more
To integrate Compass with CircleCI:
The organizations associated with that CircleCI account are connected to Compass.
Add a CircleCI webhook to any projects you want to track data from with the following information:
Compass notifications
Learn more about using webhooks here
An orb is a reusable snippet of code that helps automate repeated processes, accelerates project setup, and makes it easy to integrate with third-party tools. Add the Compass Orb to the CircleCI projects you want data from (the current version number can be found on the Compass Orb page).
1 2version: 2.1 orbs: compass: atlassian-labs/compass@x.y.z
Add the following code to all of your jobs that run a deployment. The options for environment_type
are testing, development, staging, or production.
1 2workflows: my-workflow: jobs: - my-job: context: - compass-integration-<compass-site-name> post-steps: - compass/notify_deployment: environment_type: production
Go to the components you want to connect to CircleCI data, and add the link for your CircleCI projects to the Project links section(Dashboards or Other links will also work).
Now deployment information for this component will be displayed in the component’s activity feed, and Build Success Rate and Build Time metrics are shown on the component with their metric values. Deployment information will only be included from the time the app is configured forward, Compass doesn’t backfill CircleCI deployment information.
If you no longer wish to use CircleCI to get component data, you can uninstall the CircleCI app from Compass.
We'll show you how to uninstall the CircleCI app.
Existing data and events won’t be removed when you disconnect your CircleCI account.
Disconnecting your CircleCI account from Compass removes the stored API token and any environment variables added to your CircleCI organizations.
To uninstall the CircleCI integration:
Your CircleCI account is now disconnected from Compass. You can continue on to uninstall the CircleCI app completely, or enter a new API token to connect to a different CircleCI account.
You can uninstall the CircleCI app from Compass if you no longer want to get CircleCI component data. Uninstalling the app will result in metrics and deployment activity no longer being pulled into Compass from CircleCI, but existing metrics will not be removed from components and will display the metric value at the time of the app’s uninstall.
To uninstall CircleCI integration:
The integration is now uninstalled.
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