

Property NameTypeDescription
applicationTypeStringThe application type for the scorecard.
componentCreationTimeFilterMaybe<CompassComponentCreationTimeFilter>Component creation time used to filter what components the scorecard applies to.
componentCustomFieldFiltersMaybe<Array<CompassCustomFieldFilter>>Component custom field filters used to filter what components the scorecard applies to.
componentLabelsMaybe<Array<CompassComponentLabel>>A collection of component labels used to filter what components the scorecard applies to.
componentLifecycleStagesMaybe<CompassLifecycleFilter>A collection of component lifecycle stages used to filter what components the scorecard applies to.
componentOwnerIdsMaybe<Array<String>>A collection of component owners used to filter what components the scorecard applies to.
componentTiersMaybe<Array<CompassComponentTier>>A collection of component tiers used to filter what components the scorecard applies to.
componentTypeIdsArray<String>A collection of component types used to filter what components the scorecard applies to.
repositoryValuesMaybe<CompassRepositoryValue>Component repository link value used to filter what components the scorecard applies to.

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