

A component represents a software development artifact tracked in Compass.

Property NameTypeDescription
announcementsMaybe<Array<CompassAnnouncement>>A collection of announcements posted by the component.
applicableScorecardsMaybe<Array<CompassScorecard>>A collection of scorecards applicable to a component.
changeMetadataCompassChangeMetadataMetadata about who created the component and when.
customFieldsMaybe<Array<CompassCustomField>>A collection of custom fields for storing data about the component.
dataManagerMaybe<CompassComponentDataManager>The external integration that manages data for this component.
descriptionMaybe<String>The description of the component.
eventSourcesMaybe<Array<EventSource>>The event sources associated to the component.
eventsMaybe<CompassEventsQueryResult>The events associated to the component.
externalAliasesMaybe<Array<CompassExternalAlias>>A collection of aliases that represent the component in external systems.
fieldsMaybe<Array<CompassField>>A collection of fields for storing data about the component.
idStringThe unique identifier (ID) of the component.
labelsMaybe<Array<CompassComponentLabel>>A collection of labels that provide additional contextual information about the component.
linksMaybe<Array<CompassLink>>A collection of links to other entities on the internet.
metricSourcesMaybe<CompassComponentMetricSourcesQueryResult>A collection of metric sources, which contain values providing numerical data about the component.
nameStringThe name of the component.
ownerIdMaybe<String>The unique identifier (ID) of the team that owns the component.
relationshipsMaybe<CompassRelationshipConnectionResult>A collection of relationships between one component with other components in Compass. Only relationships of the same direction will be returned, defaulting to OUTWARD.
scorecardScoreMaybe<CompassScorecardScore>Returns the calculated total score for a given scorecard applied to this component.
scorecardScoresMaybe<Array<CompassScorecardScore>>A collection of scorecard scores applied to a component.
scorecardsMaybe<Array<CompassScorecard>>A collection of scorecards applied to a component.
typeCompassComponentTypeThe type of component.
typeIdStringThe type of component.
viewerSubscriptionMaybe<CompassViewerSubscription>Component viewer subscription.

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