Top level wrapper for Compass Query API
Property Name | Type | Description |
__typename | Literal | |
applicationManagedComponents | Maybe<CompassApplicationManagedComponentsResult> | Retrieve all managed components based on user context |
assistantAnswer | Maybe<CompassAssistantAnswer> | Retrieves a Compass assistant answer by its unique identifier (ID). |
attentionItems | Maybe<CompassAttentionItemQueryResult> | Retrieves a list of Attention Items |
attentionItemsConnection | Maybe<CompassAttentionItemConnection> | |
component | Maybe<CompassComponentResult> | Retrieves a single component by its internal ID. |
componentByExternalAlias | Maybe<CompassComponentResult> | Retrieves a single component by its external alias. |
componentScorecardRelationship | Maybe<CompassComponentScorecardRelationshipResult> | Retrieves a component scorecard relationship. |
componentType | Maybe<CompassComponentTypeResult> | Retrieves a single component type by its ID. |
componentTypes | Maybe<CompassComponentTypesQueryResult> | Retrieves a list of component types. |
components | Maybe<Array<CompassComponent>> | Retrieves multiple components by their internal ID. Duplicate ids will get collapsed into one entry, and the order of the entries returned will not be consistent with the input values. Component IDs must belong to the same tenant. Maximum length of the input array is 30. |
customFieldDefinition | Maybe<CompassCustomFieldDefinitionResult> | Retrieves a custom field definition by id. |
customFieldDefinitions | Maybe<CompassCustomFieldDefinitionsResult> | Retrieves custom field definitions by component type. |
customPermissionConfigs | Maybe<CompassCustomPermissionConfigsResult> | Fetch custom permission configs |
documentationCategories | Maybe<CompassDocumentationCategoriesConnection> | Retrieves documentation categories |
documents | Maybe<CompassDocumentConnection> | Retrieves documents by component ID |
eventSource | Maybe<CompassEventSourceResult> | Retrieve a single event source by its external ID and event type. |
fieldDefinitionsByComponentType | Maybe<CompassFieldDefinitionsResult> | Retrieves field definitions by component type. This API is currently in BETA. You must provide "X-ExperimentalApi:compass-beta" in your request header. |
filteredComponentsCount | Maybe<CompassFilteredComponentsCountResult> | Fetch a count of Compass Components matching on a set of filters |
incomingWebhooks | Maybe<CompassIncomingWebhooksConnection> | Retrieves a list of registered incoming webhooks |
metricDefinition | Maybe<CompassMetricDefinitionResult> | Retrieves a single metric definition by its internal ID. |
metricDefinitions | Maybe<CompassMetricDefinitionsQueryResult> | A collection of metric definitions on a Compass site. A metric definition provides details for a metric source. |
metricValuesTimeSeries | Maybe<CompassMetricValuesTimeseriesResult> | Retrieve a bucketed time-series of metric values by metricSourceId. |
scorecard | Maybe<CompassScorecardResult> | Retrieves a scorecard by its unique identifier (ID). |
scorecards | Maybe<CompassScorecardsQueryResult> | Retrieves available scorecards. |
searchComponentLabels | Maybe<CompassComponentLabelsQueryResult> | Searches for all component labels within Compass. |
searchComponents | Maybe<CompassComponentQueryResult> | Searches for Compass components. |
searchTeamLabels | Maybe<CompassSearchTeamLabelsConnectionResult> | Search team labels within a target site. |
searchTeams | Maybe<CompassSearchTeamsConnectionResult> | Search teams within a target site. |
starredComponents | Maybe<CompassStarredComponentsResult> | Retrieve all starred components based on the user id. |
teamCheckins | Maybe<Array<CompassTeamCheckin>> | A collection of checkins posted by a team; sorted by most recent. |
teamData | Maybe<CompassTeamDataResult> | Compass-specific data about a team. |
userDefinedParameters | Maybe<CompassUserDefinedParametersConnection> | Retrieves specified number of user defined parameters for a component |
viewerGlobalPermissions | Maybe<CompassGlobalPermissionsResult> | Fetch viewer global permissions |
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