Accepts input to create a scorecard criterion checking the value of a specified custom number field.
Property Name | Type | Description |
customFieldDefinitionId | String | The ID of the component custom number field to check the value of. |
description | InputMaybe<String> | The optional, user provided description of the scorecard criterion |
name | InputMaybe<String> | The optional, user provided name of the scorecard criterion |
numberComparator | CompassCriteriaNumberComparatorOptions | The comparison operation to be performed between the field and comparator value. |
numberComparatorValue | Number | The threshold value that the field is compared to. |
scoringStrategyRules | InputMaybe<CompassCreateScorecardCriteriaScoringStrategyRulesInput> | |
weight | Number | The weight that will be used in determining the aggregate score. |
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