Last updated Oct 30, 2024

Part 1: Build a pull request title validator with custom merge checks

This tutorial describes how to create a custom merge check app that can block a pull request merge when the title contains the word 'DRAFT'. You can view the complete app code in the Bitbucket pull request title validator repository.

Before you begin

This tutorial assumes you're already familiar with the basics of Forge development. If this is your first time using Forge, see Getting started first.

Set up a shared team workspace

For Bitbucket apps you need to join or create a shared Bitbucket team workspace (as Forge apps are not supported on personal workspaces). If you don't have a Bitbucket workspace, see the references below for related instructions:

  1. Creating a Bitbucket Cloud account.
  2. Join or create a workspace.

A free Bitbucket team space can have up to 5 users.

Create your app

Create an app based on the Bitbucket merge check template.

  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to create the app. A new directory with the app's name will be created there.

  2. Create your app by running:

    forge create
  3. Enter a name for the app. For example, pr-title-validator.

  4. Select the Triggers and Validators category.

  5. Select the Bitbucket product.

  6. Select the bitbucket-merge-check template.

  7. Change to the app subdirectory to see the app files

    cd pr-title-validator

Configure the app manifest

  1. In the app's top-level directory, open the manifest.yml file.

  2. Ensure the app has the read:pullrequest:bitbucket permission. This scope is required for the bitbucket:mergeCheck module. Additionally, the app will call the Get a pull request API for which the read:pullrequest:bitbucket permission is required.

        - read:pullrequest:bitbucket
  3. Change the key under bitbucket:mergeCheck to check-pr-title.

  4. Change the name under bitbucket:mergeCheck to Check pull request title.

  5. Change the description under bitbucket:mergeCheck to Check pull request title does not contain 'DRAFT'.

  6. Update the triggers under bitbucket:MergeCheck, replacing the on-code-pushed trigger with on-merge. The check should be invoked when a user attempts to merge the pull request.

Your manifest.yml should look like the following:

    - read:pullrequest:bitbucket
    - key: check-pr-title
      function: main
      name: Check pull request title
      description: Check pull request title does not contain 'DRAFT'
        - on-merge
    - key: main
    name: nodejs22.x
  id: '<your-app-id>'

See Manifest to learn more about the manifest file.

Implement the merge check

Your manifest.yml defines that when an on-merge event occurs, the main entry under function is invoked for the merge check. The main function references the run function in your src/index.js file. Update the run function to implement the merge check.

  1. In the app's top-level directory, install the @forge/api package API by running the following command:

    npm install @forge/api
  2. Open the src/index.js file.

  3. Import the @forge/api package by adding the following to the top of the file:

    import api, { route } from "@forge/api";
  4. In the run function, before you return the check result, make a request to Get a pull request API. Note, await expressions are only allowed within async functions, so you will need to change the function definition of run to be async.

    const workspaceUuid = event.workspace.uuid;
    const repoUuid = event.repository.uuid;
    const prId =;
    const res = await api
    const pr = await res.json();
  5. Copy the following code to check whether the pull request title contains the word 'DRAFT'.

    const success = !pr.title.includes("DRAFT");
    const message = success
      ? "Pull request title does not contain 'DRAFT'"
      : "Pull request title contains 'DRAFT'";
  6. Then, construct and return a check result object containing the outcome of the title checking logic, accompanied by a message. This check result object should be consistent with the response payload for a custom merge check.

    return { success, message };

Your src/index.js file should look something like this:

import api, { route } from "@forge/api";

export const run = async (event, context) => {
  const workspaceUuid = event.workspace.uuid;
  const repoUuid = event.repository.uuid;
  const prId =;

  const res = await api
  const pr = await res.json();

  const success = !pr.title.includes("DRAFT");
  const message = success
    ? "Pull request title does not contain 'DRAFT'"
    : "Pull request title contains 'DRAFT'";

  return { success, message };

Install your app

  1. Navigate to the app's top-level directory and deploy your app by running:

    forge deploy
  2. Install your app by running:

    forge install
  3. Select Bitbucket using the arrow keys and press the enter key.

  4. Enter the URL for your workspace. For example,

Forge apps are not supported on personal workspaces. If you install an app to a personal workspace, you will get an insufficient permissions error. See set up a shared team workspace.

Test your app

  1. Enable the custom merge check feature in Workspace settings → Workflow → Custom merge checks

    Enable the custom merge check feature in your workspace settings

  2. Navigate to the repository within the workspace you want to enable the merge check for.

  3. Navigate to the Repository settings → Workflow → Custom merge checks page.

  4. Find your app in the list of merge check apps, and click the Add Check button.

  5. Select the Check pull request title check from the Name dropdown.

  6. Select the Branch you wish the check to be run against (for the sake of this tutorial, select All branches).

  7. If you're on a premium plan, tick the Required checkbox Enable the custom merge check in your repository settings

  8. Create a pull request in your repository with the word ‘DRAFT' in the title and attempt to merge the pull request. The merge check should fail. If you configured the check as

    • Required: The merge will fail and the check failure will be visible on the merge checks card on the right side bar.

      Required custom merge check failure

    • Not required: The merge will succeed, but the check failure will be visible on the merge checks card on the right side bar.

      Recommended custom merge check failure

  9. Create another pull request in your repository without the word ‘DRAFT' and merge the pull request. This time the merge check should pass.

    Custom merge check success

See Set up custom merge checks for more details.

Next steps

Congratulations, you've built your first custom merge check. In this tutorial you covered:

  • How to create a new forge app using the custom merge check template.
  • How to add the required permissions for calling the Bitbucket Cloud API.
  • How to call the Bitbucket API to retrieve the pull request for a particular custom merge check.
  • How to run some simple validation on the state of that pull request, in order to decide if the pull request can be merged or not.
  • And finally, how to return a check result to Bitbucket and control whether or not a pull request can be merged.

In the next tutorial, you'll learn how to make your custom merge check configurable with UI Kit and Forge storage.

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Developing for Atlassian Government Cloud

This content is written with standard cloud development in mind. To learn about developing for Atlassian Government Cloud, go to our Atlassian Government Cloud developer portal.

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