Last updated Aug 15, 2022

Access app logs

To help you troubleshoot faster, app log sharing is now enabled automatically during installation. This means that when a user installs your app on their site, you will now automatically get access to the app logs for that site.

Once you’ve shared your Forge app or listed it on the Atlassian Marketplace, users may experience issues using it on their Atlassian site. To help you fix the issue, you can access the logs for your app installed on their site. Log access is automatically granted when a user installs your app. You can view these logs in the developer console.

However, a user may disable log access to their site, which means their logs will no longer appear in the developer console. If your user is experiencing a problem with your app, and you can’t resolve it by analyzing the logs that you currently have access to, you’ll need to ask the user to re-enable access to the logs, or download the logs and send them to you.

To find the user’s email address, follow the steps on how to contact your customer. You must collect and use data in accordance with the privacy rights that you've obtained from your user. For more information, see the Atlassian Developer Terms and Forge Terms.

This is only available for paid Atlassian apps.

Re-enable log access

If your user is experiencing problems with your app, but has disabled log access for their site, you might need them to re-enable log access.

Either tell them to follow the same method that they used for disabling log access, or give them the following instructions:

  1. Go to If you have more than one organization, select the organization which has the site you want to re-enable log access for.

  2. Select the site's name and URL to open the Admin for that site. Or, if you have the improved user management experience, select Products then select the site from the left hand side.

  3. Under Site settings, select Connected apps.

  4. On the Connected apps page, select ••• next to the app you want to enable logs for.

  5. From the dropdown, select View app details.

    Your user sees a screen like this, showing the details of your app and the controls for enabling or disabling access to their site's logs.

    The admin hub app details page, showing details, and the section to enable logs

  6. Under the App logs access section, select Enable log access.

  7. A modal appears with more details about enabling access. Select Enable.

Once your user has enabled access, you’ll be able to see their logs and monitor your app on their site in the developer console.

Download and send logs

Tell your user to:

  1. Go to If you have more than one organization, select the organization which has the site you want to download logs for.

  2. Select the site's name and URL to open the Admin for that site. Or, if you have the improved user management experience, select Products then select the site from the left hand side.

  3. Select Connected apps in the left menu.

  4. On the Connected apps page, select ••• next to the app you want to download logs for.

    The Connected apps page displaying apps

  5. From the dropdown, select Download logs.

    A modal appears like this one, giving a preview of the logs you're about to download.

    The logs preview modal, displaying logs and date range picker

  6. Check the preview to make sure the logs don't contain personal or confidential data, or user-generated content. If necessary, use the date picker to choose a date range and select Apply.

    The dates in the date picker are in the user’s local time, and the dates in the logs are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  7. Once you're happy with the logs, select Download.

  8. Send the downloaded log file to the vendor.

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