Last updated Dec 20, 2022

Manage app alerts

To help you maintain app performance for your users, we’ve introduced alerts for changes to your app’s invocation success rate. This means that if your app’s invocation success rate falls below 99%, we’ll send you an email. If you don’t want to receive these emails, you can mute and unmute the alert at any time.

Alert cycle

An alert goes through the following cycle:

  1. When the invocation success rate drops below the target rate of 99%, this triggers an alert and we will send you an email to let you know.
  2. The alert remains open until the invocation success rate has returned to 99% or above.
  3. Once the success rate has returned to 99% or above, the alert is closed, and we will send you an email to let you know.

Alert emails

When the success rate of your app falls below 99%, and remains below that level for 5 minutes, the alert is triggered and you’ll receive an email like this:

Example of email showing triggered alert

The email includes the following details:

  • Metric: The metric that triggered the alert, in this case, invocation success rate
  • Target value: The target value for this metric, currently set at 99% for invocation success rate
  • Current value: The current value for this metric in your app
  • Environment: The Forge app environment that your app is deployed to. We currently only alert you for apps deployed to the production environment.
  • Starts at: The time at which the alert was first triggered
  • App ID: Your app ID

To learn more, select the View app metrics button. This link will take you to the developer console metrics screen, at the exact time that the alert was triggered, to help you debug the app.

We will send one email every 24 hours.

Once the success rate has returned to 99% or above, and the alert has closed, you’ll receive an email to let you know.

Mute and unmute alert

If you don’t want to receive any emails for the triggered or closed alert, then you can mute the alert.

To mute or unmute the alert:

  1. Access the developer console.

  2. Select the Forge app that you want to mute or unmute alerts for.

  3. Select Alerts in the left menu.

  4. Select the dropdown menu in the top right corner, then select Mute or Unmute alert.

    Alerts screen for muting and unmuting alert

  5. Click on Mute/Unmute alert once again on the modal.

Edit alert target value

To change the target value of your alert:

  1. Access the developer console.
  2. Select the Forge app that you want to change the target value for.
  3. Select Alerts in the left menu.
  4. Click on the pencil icon next to the current target value.
  5. Select a new value from the dropdown.
  6. Select the tick button to save the change.

Edit alert details

To edit details of your alert:

  1. Access the developer console.

  2. Select the Forge app that you want to edit alert details for.

  3. Select Alerts in the left menu.

  4. Select the dropdown menu in the top right corner, then select Edit alert.

    Alerts screen with dropdown menu opened

  5. Edit the name and/or description of your alert, then select Save changes.

    Alerts screen edit alert config modal

View alerts history

Alerts history keeps track of activities of your alert in the past 14 days.

The following alert activities are recorded:

  • Alert set up
  • Alert triggered
  • Alert closed
  • Alert muted
  • Alert unmuted
  • Alert edited
  • Email sent to ${email}

To view the history of your alert:

  1. Access the developer console.
  2. Select the Forge app that you want to view alert history.
  3. Select Alerts in the left menu.
  4. Select the Activity tab.

You can narrow down the alert activities based on your chosen time interval. Choose from a range of predefined values, such as the Last 24 hours, or choose a more specific time interval using the Custom option.

Alerts screen alert history tab

View alert on metrics page

When the invocation success rate drops below the target rate of 99%, it is highlighted in invocation success rate chart on the Metrics screen:

Alerts screen alert history tab

A lozenge is displayed to indicate the current status of the alert:

  • Alert open: the alert is open, and will remain open until the trigger conditions are no longer met.
  • Alert closed: the alert is closed, and will remain closed until the trigger conditions are met.
  • No lozenge: the alert hasn’t been opened/closed in the past 14 days

To view alert details, select the lozenge, or select the More actions (⋯) menu, and then View alert.

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