Contributors will receive an email notification when they are added to or removed from an app.
Contributors are able to see the public name of other contributors in the developer
console. They can also see their email address, depending on the contributor’s
privacy settings.
Contributors are able to see their role in the
Contributors panel of the Overview page.
When adding a contributor to an app, the contributor will gain permissions to access the app via
the Forge CLI and developer console, depending on the role selected for them.
Enter the email address of the contributor you're adding to the app.
Select the role that you want to set for the contributor.
Select Add.
You can also add multiple contributors by adding and separating their email addresses with a comma.
Only 10 contributors can be added to an app at a time.
When selecting a role for multiple contributors, note that you're setting the same role for
all contributors. If you want the contributors to have different roles, we recommend
adding them individually.
You can optionally provide the advanced permission view production logs to a contributor
of the viewer, deployer, or developer role. See
app monitoring activities to know more.
Select the More actions (⋯) menu for the contributor whose role you're editing.
Select Edit role.
In the popup that appears, select the new role.
Select Save changes.
You can edit the roles of multiple contributors by selecting the checkboxes of the relevant
contributors and selecting Edit role.
When selecting a role for multiple contributors, note that you're setting the same role for
all contributors. If you want the contributors to have different roles, we recommend
editing them individually.
You can optionally provide the advanced permission view production logs to a contributor of the
viewer, deployer, or developer role. See
app monitoring activities to know more.
Select the More actions (⋯) menu for the contributor whose role you're editing.
Select Remove.
In the popup that appears, confirm the removal by selecting Remove.
You can remove multiple contributors by selecting the checkboxes of the relevant contributors
and selecting Remove. In the popup that appears, confirm the removal by selecting Remove.
The screen shows when contributors have been added, changed, removed, or changed to app owner.
It also shows who completed the action.
You can narrow the list down using the filters above the table.
By default, the table is sorted by Date/Time (UTC), with the most recent actions appearing at the top.
The contributor name or email filter only shows contributors who have been added or removed
since this functionality was released. You can work around this limitation by removing and adding the
contributors again - they will then appear in the filter.
The screen shows a list of recent deployments, across all contributors, as well as
environments and versions.
You can narrow the list down using the filters and search bar above the table.
The new app owner will receive an email notification.
To transfer ownership, an app must have at least one contributor apart from the app owner.
To transfer ownership of your app:
Access the developer console.
Select the relevant Forge app.
Select Contributors in the left menu.
In the Actions column next to your name, select Change owner.
Follow the instructions to select a new owner.
If you’re happy with the new owner, select Confirm transfer.
You can also transfer ownership from the Settings screen of the app.
If the app owner is deactivated or unavailable, contact
Atlassian support.
to assist you with transferring app ownership.
If a contributor’s Atlassian account gets deactivated or deleted, they will still remain a contributor
of the app. The app owner will have to manually remove them as a contributor.