Last updated Oct 30, 2024

Queue app interactions with storage API

The Async event APIs can queue your app's interaction with the storage API. Doing this can help prevent your app from exceeding Forge's storage API operation limits per installation.

On this page, we provide an example that shows how to queue storage.set calls. This example's strategy uses exponential backoff with jitter retry to minimize retry collisions.

Before you begin

This guide documents the use of Async event APIs. Review these APIs for more detailed information about each endpoint.

Step 1: Create an event consumer

Start by creating an event consumer in the app manifest. The following snippet features a consumer with a queue for receiving batch calls, named storage-async-queue.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 modules: # Async events consumer: - key: queue-consumer # Name of the queue for which this consumer will be invoked queue: storage-async-queue resolver: function: consumer-function # resolver function to be called with payload method: event-listener function: - key: consumer-function handler: index.handler

Step 2: Push events to the queue

Next, create a new Queue object mapped to the storage-async-queue queue we defined earlier in the manifest. Instead of calling storage.set directly inside the product event handler, we will push the events to the queue.

By calling storage.set inside the resolver, we can leverage the resolver’s retry mechanism. Should the call to storage.set hit the operation limit and return an error, we can catch the error and trigger the request to be retried by returning an InvocationError:

import {InvocationError, InvocationErrorCode, Queue} from "@forge/events";

const storageAsyncQueue = new Queue({ key: 'storage-async-queue' });

// Product event handling
export async function onIssueCreated(event, context) {

  // A batch job that created 1000+ of issues will call
  // storage.set 1000+ times and hit the operation limits.
  // This pushes it to the queue instead to let onIssueCreated handle it.

  const payload = {
    "issueKey": event.issue.key

  await storageAsyncQueue.push(payload, { delayInSeconds: 0.5 });

  return true;

You can only retry an event for a maximum of four times.

Step 3: Create the resolver for the event consumer

Last, create the resolver that calls the storage API for the event consumer queue-consumer. This resolver configures how the batch calls queued (in storage-async-queue) are processed:

import Resolver from '@forge/resolver';

const asyncResolver = new Resolver();

// Async event handler
asyncResolver.define("event-listener", async ({ payload, context }) => {

  // If `payload.retryContext` exists, this event is a retry event
  if (payload.retryContext) {
    const baseDelay = 20;
    const randomJitter = Math.random() * 100;
    // Exponential backoff with jitter
    retryDelay = (baseDelay * (2 ** payload.retryContext.retryCount)) + randomJitter;

  // Store issue key by calling a Storage API
  try {
    await storage.set('most-recent-issue-created', payload.issueKey);
  } catch (error) {
    // Return an InvocationError to trigger a retry
    // Only a maximum of 4 retries are allowed
    return new InvocationError({
      retryAfter: retryDelay,
      retryReason: InvocationErrorCode.FUNCTION_RETRY_REQUEST,
      retryData: {
        issueKey: payload.issueKey

export const handler = asyncResolver.getDefinitions();

Reference implementation

Refer to the following sample for the complete contents of this guide’s index.jsx file:

import {InvocationError, InvocationErrorCode, Queue} from "@forge/events";
import Resolver from '@forge/resolver';

const storageAsyncQueue = new Queue({ key: 'storage-async-queue' });
const asyncResolver = new Resolver();

// Product event handling
export async function onIssueCreated(event, context) {

  // A batch job that created 1000+ of issues will call
  // storage.set 1000+ times and hit the operation limits.
  // This pushes it to the queue instead to let onIssueCreated handle it.

  const payload = {
    "issueKey": event.issue.key

  await storageAsyncQueue.push(payload, { delayInSeconds: 0.5 });

  return true;

// Async event handler
asyncResolver.define("event-listener", async ({ payload, context }) => {

  // If `payload.retryContext` exists, this event is a retry event
  if (payload.retryContext) {
    const baseDelay = 20;
    const randomJitter = Math.random() * 100;
    // Exponential backoff with jitter
    retryDelay = (baseDelay * (2 ** payload.retryContext.retryCount)) + randomJitter;

  // Store issue key by calling a Storage API
  try {
    await storage.set('most-recent-issue-created', payload.issueKey);
  } catch (error) {
    // Return an InvocationError to trigger a retry
    // Only a maximum of 4 retries are allowed
    return new InvocationError({
      retryAfter: retryDelay,
      retryReason: InvocationErrorCode.FUNCTION_RETRY_REQUEST,
      retryData: {
        issueKey: payload.issueKey

export const handler = asyncResolver.getDefinitions();

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