Last updated May 15, 2024

Part 2: Call a Bitbucket API

This page introduces the Forge Javascript APIs. Using the @forge/api and @forge/bridge package, you'll learn how to make REST calls to an authenticated Bitbucket endpoint from the backend and frontend of your app.

This is part 2 of 3 in this tutorial. Complete Part 1: Build a Bitbucket hello world app before working on this page.

Make an API call using backend resolver function

In this section, you'll modify your app to call the Bitbucket REST API from your app's backend. Using the Product Fetch API from the @forge/api package, you'll get the repository metadata and print the repository's full name to the console.

The @forge/api package simplifies HTTP operations and contains other Forge APIs such as the Storage API. For this tutorial, you’ll also use the context of a custom UI resolver to get context information about the page the app is on.

  1. In the app’s top-level directory, install the @forge/api package by running:

    1 npm install @forge/api
  2. Restart your tunnel to use the new npm modules by running:

    1 forge tunnel

    Make sure your docker is running.

  3. Navigate to the src/resolvers directory and open the index.js file. Import the @forge/api package by adding the following to the top of the file:

    import api, { route } from "@forge/api";
  4. In the same file, copy the following code to create a resolver function that calls the Bitbucket REST API by using the @forge/api package:

    resolver.define("fetchRepository", async ({ context }) => {
      const workspaceId = context.workspaceId;
      const repositoryId = context.extension.repository.uuid;
      console.log(`Fetching repository ${workspaceId}/${repositoryId}`)
      const res = await api
      return res.json();

    This function makes calls to the REST API with path /2.0/repositories/${workspaceId}/${repositoryId}.

  5. Navigate to the src/frontend directory and open the index.jsx file. Fetch the repository and log the output in the App function by replacing the useEffect Hook with the following code directly above the return statement:

    useEffect(async () => {
      const repo = await invoke("fetchRepository");
      console.log(`Repository full name: ${repo.full_name}`);
    }, []);

Your src/resolvers/index.js file should look like the following:

import api, { route } from "@forge/api";
import Resolver from "@forge/resolver";

const resolver = new Resolver();

resolver.define("fetchRepository", async ({ context }) => {
  const workspaceId = context.workspaceId;
  const repositoryId = context.extension.repository.uuid;

  console.log(`Fetching repository ${workspaceId}/${repositoryId}`)

  const res = await api

  return res.json();

export const handler = resolver.getDefinitions();

Your src/frontend/index.jsx file should look like the following:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ForgeReconciler, { Text } from "@forge/react";
import { invoke } from "@forge/bridge";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(async () => {
    const repo = await invoke("fetchRepository");
    console.log(`Repository full name: ${repo.full_name}`);
  }, []);

  return (
      <Text>Hello world!</Text>
      <Text>{data ? data : "Loading..."}</Text>

    <App />

Enable usage analytics (optional)

If you haven't enabled usage analytics yet, we recommend you do so using following command:

forge settings set usage-analytics true

This command provides the consent required by Forge to collect data about your app's deployments and installations (including error data). This, in turn, helps us monitor the overall performance and reliability of Forge. The collected data also helps us make better decisions on improving Forge's feature set and performance.

For information about how Atlassian collects and handles your data, read our Privacy Policy.

Set required permissions

Your app calls a remote resource; namely, the Bitbucket REST API. As such, you'll need to grant your app the right permissions. To do this, you'll need to add the required Forge app scope to the app's manifest.

For more information on adding scopes, see Add scopes to call an Atlassian REST API.

In the steps below, you'll do this by using the forge lint command. This command will automatically add the required scope to your manifest.yml file (in this case, read:repository:bitbucket).

  1. Run the following command:

    forge lint --fix
  2. Whenever you change permissions, you must upgrade the app's installation. Stop your tunnel process and run these commands to deploy and install your change:

    forge deploy
    forge install --upgrade
  3. Start the tunnel again:

    forge tunnel

Alternatively, you can also manually add required scopes to your manifest.yml file. Learn more about adding scopes to call an Atlassian REST API.

Test your app

  1. Open your browser's developer console.

  2. Refresh the Bitbucket repository source page.

  3. Check the output of the tunnel in the terminal. The resolver action should display as follows:

    invocation: 00000000000000004972bdc10ad9aad4 index.handler
    INFO    03:41:21.061  00000000000000004972bdc10ad9aad4  Fetching repository workspaceId/repositoryId
  4. Check the output of the console. The repository’s full name should display as follows:

    Repository full name: workspace/repository

Logs can appear in your browser's developer console or tunnel in the terminal depending on where the console.log statements are placed. See Logging and debugging.

API response links are absolute links. To follow them, you’ll need to use routeFromAbsolute when making the API call. We’ll also try out api.asUser() instead of api.asApp() to make API requests in this section.

  1. In src/resolvers/index.js, copy the following code to create a resolver function that calls the Bitbucket REST API by using the routeFromAbsolute method (don’t forget to add import of routeFromAbsolute from @forge/api):

    resolver.define("fetchCommits", async (req) => {
      const { payload } = req;
      const { commitsUrl } = payload;
      console.log("Fetching commits")
      const res = await api
      return res.json();

    Note we are using api.asUser() instead of api.asApp() this time.

The .asUser() function inherits the product permissions of the user who has granted access to the app. This can cause different API responses between different users in the same app.

  1. In src/frontend/index.jsx, fetch the commits for the repository and log the output in the App function. To do this, add the following code in the useEffect hook in the App function directly after fetching the repository:

    const commits = await invoke("fetchCommits", {
      commitsUrl: repo.links.commits.href,
    console.log(`Number of commits: ${commits.values.length}`);
  2. Refresh the Bitbucket repository source page.

  3. Since this is the first time the app is making API calls on behalf of the user (asUser()) rather than the app (asApp()), you'll need to authorize the app and grant it access to act on the user’s behalf. Follow the onscreen prompts to allow the app to access Atlassian products on your behalf and refresh the repository source page again.

  4. Check the output of the tunnel in the terminal. The resolver actions should display as follows:

    invocation: 00000000000000002f91025048f752ff index.handler
    INFO    03:44:09.506  00000000000000002f91025048f752ff  Fetching repository workspaceId/repositoryId
    invocation: 000000000000000081d88b18b30235ff index.handler
    INFO    03:44:11.764  000000000000000081d88b18b30235ff  Fetching commits
  5. Check the output of the developer console in your browser. The repository’s full name and the number of commits should display as follows:

    Repository full name: workspace/repository
    Number of commits: 1

Make an API call from frontend

In this section, you'll learn how to make Bitbucket API calls directly from the frontend of your app.

  1. In src/frontend/index.jsx, add import of view and requestBitbucket from @forge/bridge:

    import { invoke, view, requestBitbucket } from "@forge/bridge";
  2. In the same file, add the following code in the useEffect hook in the App function directly after fetching the commits. Using requestBitbucket from the @forge/bridge package, this will make a Bitbucket API call as the current user to fetch a particular commit.

    if (commits.values) {
      const context = await view.getContext();
      const firstCommit = await requestBitbucket(`/2.0/repositories/${context.workspaceId}/${repo.uuid}/commit/${commits.values[0].hash}`);
      const firstCommitDate = (await firstCommit.json()).date;
      console.log(`First commit's date: ${firstCommitDate}`);
  3. Check the output of the developer console in your browser. If you had any commits in your repo, the first commit's date should be displayed similar to the below:

    Repository full name: workspace/repository
    Number of commits: 1
    First commit's date: 2024-04-19T07:02:29+00:00

Your src/frontend/index.jsx file should now look like the following:

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import ForgeReconciler, { Text } from "@forge/react";
import { invoke, view, requestBitbucket } from "@forge/bridge";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(async () => {
    const repo = await invoke("fetchRepository");
    console.log(`Repository full name: ${repo.full_name}`);

    const commits = await invoke("fetchCommits", {
      commitsUrl: repo.links.commits.href,
    console.log(`Number of commits: ${commits.values.length}`);

    if (commits.values) {
      const context = await view.getContext();
      const firstCommit = await requestBitbucket(`/2.0/repositories/${context.workspaceId}/${repo.uuid}/commit/${commits.values[0].hash}`);
      const firstCommitDate = (await firstCommit.json()).date;
      console.log(`First commit's date: ${firstCommitDate}`);
  }, []);

  return (
      <Text>Hello world!</Text>
        {data ? `Repository full name: ${data.full_name}` : "Loading..."}

    <App />

Next step

In the next tutorial, you'll learn how to make changes to your app's frontend using the UI Kit components of Forge.

A button to go back a page A button to go to the next tutorial

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