Last updated Nov 11, 2020

Install Forge on Windows

In this short guide you'll install and configure the software required to work with the Forge platform on a Windows platform.

Set up Docker

Forge requires Docker version 17.03 or later. To download Docker, visit get Docker.

Once Docker is installed and running, check your Docker version by running the following in the terminal:

docker --version

Which outputs your Docker version, for example: Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d.

WSL 2 backend

We recommend you use the latest Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend. This avoids file system issues when working with the Forge CLI. See the [Windows 10 requirements] ( for installing and running Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.

If you must use the legacy Hyper-V backend, you need to configure file sharing in the resources settings. Add the parent path that will contain all of your Forge apps to avoid needing to add each app. For example:


See the Docker [Resources] ( page for more detail.

Set up Node.js

The Forge CLI requires a fully supported LTS release of Node.js installed; namely, versions 18.x or 20.x.

  1. Download the LTS installer from Node.js.
  2. Install the package.

Next steps

You're ready to continue the Forge getting started guide, next you'll install the Forge CLI.

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