There are some key considerations and responsibilities when using Forge remote.
If you decide to integrate remote services with Forge you take on additional responsibilities under the Forge Shared responsibility model.
This section defines the contract used by remote requests including HTTPS protocol level details, request and response schema.
UI modules | Events and scheduled triggers | |
API Architecture | REST | REST |
Protocol | HTTPS | HTTPS |
Timeout | 25s | 5s |
Retries | None | 4 (See Handing retries for more details) |
Response headers |
Content-Type: application/json Custom headers: You can also return custom headers in your API response. |
When using invokeRemote in your Forge app's frontend or backend, you specify the method and path for the endpoint in the invokeRemote call.
When using Forge remote with events or a scheduled trigger, the request is automatically routed to the endpoint configured in the manifest using the POST
When communicating with remote backends, Forge uses IP address ranges as indicated in the Outgoing Connections section of IP addresses and domains for Atlassian cloud products. This information may be important if your app's remote backend is behind a firewall or other network equipment that restricts access based on IP address.
The following headers are added to requests to your remote.
Header | Required | Description |
x-b3-traceid | Yes | The TraceId is 64 or 128-bit in length and indicates the overall ID of the trace. Every span in a trace shares this ID. |
x-b3-spanid | Yes | The SpanId is 64 or 128-bit in length and indicates the position of the current operation in the trace tree. The value should not be interpreted: it may or may not be derived from the value of the TraceId. |
authorization | Yes | The Forge Invocation Token (FIT) is passed as a bearer token. |
x-forge-oauth-system | No | The app system token. This is used to call Atlassian APIs from your remote backend. This header is included only if endpoint.auth.appSystemToken or remote.auth.appSystemToken is true in the app's manifest. |
x-forge-oauth-user | No | The app's user token. This is used to call Atlassian APIs from your remote backend on behalf of a user. This header is included only if endpoint.auth.appUserToken or remote.auth.appSystemToken is true in the app's manifest. |
OAuth tokens provided for FRC (and JWT claims within) need to be treated as Opaque and do not form part of any Published API specification. If your remote requires access to properties such as the cloudId, it can retrieve them by parsing the Forge Invocation Token (FIT).
As an example:
1 2x-b3-traceid: a523b7549f0b88c9 x-b3-spanid: 2a2436c64727923f authorization: Bearer ${FIT} x-forge-oauth-system: ${OAuth-System-Token} x-forge-oauth-user: ${OAuth-User-Token} header1: value ## Set customer headers when invoking your remote from a UI module
Requests that exceed the timeout or do not return a 2xx HTTP Status Code, will be considered as a failure and will appear in the developer console metrics. See Remote observability for more on metrics and logging.
HTTP Status Code | Description |
2xx | The remote successfully processed the request. |
3xx | Redirects are not supported and are treated as an error status code. |
401 | The JWT token validation failed. |
Requests to your remote backend will include a Forge Invocation Token (FIT) as a bearer token in the authorization header. The FIT includes important information about the invocation context and should be used to verify that the request came from Atlassian and is intended for your app.
The Forge Invocation Token contains a JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Required | Description |
app | object | Yes | Information about the app and installation context. |
app.installationId | string | Yes | Identifier for the specific installation of an app. This is the value that any remote storage should be keyed against. Example: ari:cloud:ecosystem::installation/75969db9-dc7b-4798-9715-bd098ac0d9d1 |
app.apiBaseUrl | url | Yes | API base URL where all product API requests should be routed. Example: | | string | Yes | The Forge application ID. This should match the value in your Forge manifest.yml file.Example: ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/77334c21-3dd0-474f-a53f-28b4eeee5a71 |
app.version | number | Yes | The Forge application version being invoked. Example: 1 |
app.environment | object | Yes | Information about the environment the app is running in. |
app.environment.type | string | Yes | The Forge environment type that this invocation was generated for. Examples: DEVELOPMENT , STAGING , PRODUCTION | | string | Yes | The Forge environment id that this invocation was generated for. Example: ari:cloud:ecosystem::environment/3bb5deab-afcd-4140-9be4-f837b4b14b2c |
app.module | object | Yes | Information about the module that initiated this remote call. |
app.module.type | string | Yes | The module type initiating the remote call. This will be the module type, such as xen:macro for front-end invocations. Otherwise, it will be core:endpoint . To determine the type of module that specified the remote resolver, see payload.context.extension.type .Example: core:endpoint |
app.module.key | string | Yes | The Forge module key for this endpoint. Example: forge-remote-app-boot |
app.license | object | No | Contains information about the license of the app. This field is only present for paid apps in the production environment. license is undefined for free apps, apps in DEVELOPMENT and STAGING environments, and apps that are not listed on the Atlassian Marketplace. |
app.license.isActive | boolean | No | Specifies if the license is active. |
app.license.billingPeriod | string | No | Represents the app's billing period. |
app.license.ccpEntitlementId | string | No | Represents entitlement id of license if billing system is Commerce Cloud Platform |
app.license.ccpEntitlementSlug | string | No | Represents entitlement number of license if billing system is Commerce Cloud Platform |
app.license.isEvaluation | boolean | No | A flag indicating whether the app is being used under an evaluation license. |
app.license.subscriptionEndDate | string | No | Represents the expiration date of the application subscription. |
app.license.supportEntitlementNumber | string | No | The Support Entitlement Number (SEN) identifying the license. |
app.license.trialEndDate | string | No | Represents the termination date of the trial period. |
app.license.type | string | No | Indicates the type of license. Possible values include, but are not limited to COMMERCIAL , COMMUNITY , ACADEMIC , and DEVELOPER . |
context | object | The context depends on how the app is using Forge Remote. When invoked from a frontend function, it will contain context describing the module that invoked it. When invoked from a backend function, no context is currently provided. | |
principal | string | The identifier for the user who invoked the app. UI modules only. |
1 2{ "app": { "id": "ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/8db33809-1f32-48bb-8c52-5877dab48107", "version": "16", "installationId": "ari:cloud:ecosystem::installation/0a3a7799-53ae-4a5b-9e7e-03338980abb5", "apiBaseUrl": "", "environment": { "type": "DEVELOPMENT", "id": "ari:cloud:ecosystem::environment/8db33809-1f32-48bb-8c52-5877dab48107/aa911f10-c54b-4b93-9e27-dd2947840b9e" }, "module": { "type": "xen:macro", "key": "forge-remote-app-boot" }, "license": { "isActive": true, "billingPeriod": "MONTHLY", "ccpEntitlementId": "5e176cc2-6fa0-3c7b-8fc4-302443a16e86", "ccpEntitlementSlug": "X-3SH-1A6-33A-AS0", "isEvaluation": false, "subscriptionEndDate": "1689949707000", "supportEntitlementNumber": "SEN-###", "trialEndDate": "1989949707000", "type": "commercial" } }, "context": { "localId": "4654fa12-4c7c-4792-95a9-6019edb27953", "cloudId": "d0d52620-3203-4cfa-8db5-f2587155f0dd", "moduleKey": "forge-remote-app-boot", "siteUrl": "", "extension": { "type": "macro", "content": { "id": "5341185" }, "space": { "key": "~655362312d3308895442b0aa38771a10c88656", "id": "65538" }, "isEditing": false, "references": [] } }, "principal": "655362:312d3308-8954-42b0-aa38-771a10c88656", "aud": "ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/8db33809-1f32-48bb-8c52-5877dab48107", "iss": "forge/invocation-token", "iat": 1700175149, "nbf": 1700175149, "exp": 1700175174, "jti": "d8a496253ec8c18a54631e4c82cbedd5d0ae8570" }
If you implement a remote backend, you take on additional responsibilities under the Forge Shared responsibility model.
You must ensure that you:
To help illustrate the requirements for the above, here is some sample code in both Javascript and Java, which is available from the linked repos.
Example code in Java:
1 2@Component public class FITValidator { @Value("${jwks.endpoint:}") private String jwksUrl; @Value("${appId}") private String appId; public void validate(String invocationToken) throws InvalidJwtException { var httpsJwks = new HttpsJwks(jwksUrl); var httpsJwksKeyResolver = new HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver(httpsJwks); var jwtConsumer = new JwtConsumerBuilder() .setVerificationKeyResolver(httpsJwksKeyResolver) .setExpectedAudience(appId) .setExpectedIssuer("forge/invocation-token") .build(); jwtConsumer.process(invocationToken); } }
Example code in Javascript:
1 2export const validateContextToken = async (invocationToken, appId) => { const jwksUrl = ''; const JWKS = jose.createRemoteJWKSet(new URL(jwksUrl)); const payload = await jose.jwtVerify(invocationToken, JWKS, {audience: appId}); return payload; }
When an app contains a remotes
declaration, Forge will (by default) assume the app is storing in-scope end-user data on a remote backend.
To qualify for the PINNED
status, you must explicitly declare that your remote backend does not store in-scope End-User Data. Alternatively, apps can still achieve PINNED
status if they store in-scope End-User Data on a remote backend configured with region-specific URLs. To meet data residency requirements, update the manifest file by defining region-specific baseUrl
values and marking them with inScopeEUD: true
to ensure compliance with data residency standards. See Remotes for specific instructions on how to do this in your manifest.
For more details about in-scope End-User Data and the PINNED
status for apps, see Data residency.
Forge remote makes particular use of some manifest.yml
sections and properties, runtime APIs, and data structures you might not have encountered before.
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