Last updated Oct 30, 2024

App versions

When you deploy changes to your app, Forge will create a new app version in the environment you specified (by default, this is the development environment). As you iterate on the app and deploy changes, you'll create more versions. Each app version can be major or minor, depending on the app change you introduce:

Major versionMinor version
Major versions involve significant app changes that require site admins to review them first. A new major version won’t be applied to a site until its admin consents to the upgrade.Minor versions are incremental improvements to major versions. Forge automatically updates all installed apps to the latest minor version of their major version (without requiring admin consent).

By default, Forge creates new minor versions of the latest major version. However, you can also backport new minor versions of older major versions.
See Major version upgrades for more details about what changes result in a new major version.See Minor version upgrades for more information.

Forge handles versioning automatically, and creates major or minor versions depending on the app change you’re deploying.


Forge creates and maintains versions on a per-environment basis. As such, when you deploy app changes to production resulting in a new major version, this version becomes available for all customer sites in production.

Likewise, if you deploy a new minor version to a major version in production, it will automatically be applied to all customer sites running that major version in production.

Forge apps created via the Developer Console or Forge CLI will initially have a version of 1.1 (major version 1, minor version 1).

Viewing installed versions

There are different ways to see what version of your app is installed on each site, in each environment:

  • The forge install list command will display the major version installed on each site: forge install list

  • In the Developer Console, your app's Installations page (under MONITOR) will display the major and minor version. The first segment of the version is the major version number. All sites on the same major version will also be on the same minor version: Developer Console > MONITOR > Installations

  • In the Developer Console, your app's Deployments page (under BUILD) will show who performed each deployment (Contributor), and when. It’ll also show which major version each deployment targeted within an environment: Developer Console > BUILD > Deployments

Each site’s admin can also see and upgrade their installed app’s version. See Manage app upgrades for more details.

Viewing major version history

You can check for the major version history of any app at any time. To know more about checking for the major version history of your app, go to the Forge CLI documentation.

List major versions

Navigate to the app's top-level directory and check its list of major versions by running:

forge version list

The output should look similar to the following:

✔ Getting app version list...

ℹ Details of a total of [5 major versions] in [development] can be seen below:

│ Major Versions │ Deployment Date          │ Egresses         │ Policies │ Scopes │ Connect keys │ Functions │ Remotes │ Modules  │ License │
│ 5.3.0          │ 2024-12-17T04:38:54.678Z │ fetch.backend: 1 │          │ 2      │ 0            │ 1         │ 1       │ macro: 1 │ false   │
│                │                          │                  │          │        │              │           │         │ sql: 1   │         │
│ 4.5.0          │ 2024-11-05T06:22:00.488Z │                  │          │ 2      │ 0            │ 1         │ 1       │ macro: 1 │ false   │
│ 3.0.0          │ 2024-11-05T06:18:03.129Z │                  │          │ 2      │ 0            │ 1         │ 0       │ macro: 1 │ false   │
│ 2.14.0         │ 2023-08-11T04:36:36.473Z │                  │          │ 0      │ 0            │ 1         │ 0       │ macro: 1 │ false   │
│ 1.1.0          │ 2023-08-11T04:32:53.379Z │                  │          │ 0      │ 0            │ 0         │ 0       │          │ false   │

Only the latest version of each major version is shown in the list. Some of the versions may not have any installations linked to them as well.

View major version details

Navigate to the app's top-level directory and check the details of what is included in a given major version by running:

forge version details --major-version [version]

The output should look similar to the following:

? Select option: Show all properties
✔ Getting app version details...

ℹ App [3.0.0] in [development] includes the following:

│ Property        │ Details                                                                       │
│ connect keys    │                                                                               │
│ deployment date │ 2024-11-05T06:18:03.129Z                                                      │
│ egress          │                                                                               │
│ functions       │ - [main]: is configured with the following properties:                        │
│                 │   runtime: nodejs18.x                                                         │
│                 │   handler:                                                          │
│                 │                                                                               │
│ license         │ No                                                                            │
│ modules         │ macro                                                                         │
│                 │ - [test-runtime-v2-hello-world]: is configured with the following properties: │
│                 │   title: test-runtime-v2                                                      │
│                 │   function: main                                                              │
│                 │   description: Inserts Hello world!                                           │
│                 │                                                                               │
│ policies        │                                                                               │
│ remotes         │                                                                               │
│ scopes          │ - import:import-configuration:cmdb                                            │
│                 │ - read:servicedesk-request                                                    │

The output should match the details that have been defined by the app developer in the manifest file. However, how the details appear in the output may slightly differ to its manifest form.

Compare major versions

Navigate to the app's top-level directory and compare two major versions by running:

forge version compare -v1 [version] -v2 [version]

The output should look similar to the following:

✔ Comparing app versions...

ℹ Comparison between app versions [3.0.0 and 5.3.0] in [development] is shown below:

│ Property        │ Version 1 [3.0.0]                                │ Version 2 [5.3.0]                                │
│ deployment date │ "2024-11-05T06:18:03.129Z"                       │ "2024-12-17T04:38:54.678Z"                       │
│ egress          │ []                                               │ [                                                │
│                 │                                                  │   {                                              │
│                 │                                                  │     "addresses": [                               │
│                 │                                                  │       ""                       │
│                 │                                                  │     ],                                           │
│                 │                                                  │     "type": "fetch.backend"                      │
│                 │                                                  │   }                                              │
│                 │                                                  │ ]                                                │
│ functions       │ [                                                │ [                                                │
│                 │   {                                              │   {                                              │
│                 │     "handler": "",                      │     "handler": "",                      │
│                 │     "key": "main",                               │     "key": "main",                               │
│                 │                                                  │                                                  │
│                 │     "runtimeName": "nodejs18.x"                  │     "runtimeName": "nodejs20.x"                  │
│                 │                                                  │                                                  │
│                 │   }                                              │   }                                              │
│                 │ ]                                                │ ]                                                │
│ modules         │ [                                                │ [                                                │
│                 │   {                                              │   {                                              │
│                 │     "items": [                                   │     "items": [                                   │
│                 │       {                                          │       {                                          │
│                 │         "key": "test-runtime-v2-hello-world",    │         "key": "test-runtime-v2-hello-world",    │
│                 │         "properties": {                          │         "properties": {                          │
│                 │           "description": "Inserts Hello world!", │           "description": "Inserts Hello world!", │
│                 │           "function": "main",                    │           "function": "main",                    │
│                 │           "title": "test-runtime-v2"             │           "title": "test-runtime-v2"             │
│                 │         },                                       │         },                                       │
│                 │         "type": "xen:macro"                      │         "type": "xen:macro"                      │
│                 │       }                                          │       }                                          │
│                 │     ],                                           │     ],                                           │
│                 │     "type": "macro"                              │     "type": "macro"                              │
│                 │   },                                             │   },                                             │
│                 │                                                  │                                                  │
│                 │ ]                                                │   {                                              │
│                 │                                                  │     "items": [                                   │
│                 │                                                  │       {                                          │
│                 │                                                  │         "key": "test-sql-module",                │
│                 │                                                  │         "properties": {                          │
│                 │                                                  │           "dareCompliant": true,                 │
│                 │                                                  │           "engine": "mysql"                      │
│                 │                                                  │         },                                       │
│                 │                                                  │         "type": "core:sql"                       │
│                 │                                                  │       }                                          │
│                 │                                                  │     ],                                           │
│                 │                                                  │     "type": "sql"                                │
│                 │                                                  │   }                                              │
│                 │                                                  │                                                  │
│                 │                                                  │ ]                                                │
│ remotes         │ []                                               │ [                                                │
│                 │                                                  │   {                                              │
│                 │                                                  │     "baseUrl": "",    │
│                 │                                                  │     "key": "remote-backend",                     │
│                 │                                                  │     "operations": [                              │
│                 │                                                  │       "fetch"                                    │
│                 │                                                  │     ]                                            │
│                 │                                                  │   }                                              │
│                 │                                                  │ ]                                                │

Major version upgrades

Major version upgrades are not applied to an app installation immediately. This is because major versions involve significant changes that may require users and admins to re-consent or review the changes before continuing.

The following manifest.yml file changes are considered major version upgrades:

  • Modifying scope permissions. This includes:
    • Adding a scope.
    • Swapping a scope for one not already listed.
    • Removing a scope.
  • Modifying content permissions CSP options. This includes:
    • Adding a CSP option.
    • Swapping a CSP option for one not already listed.
  • Modifying external permissions CSP options and URLs. This includes:
    • Adding a CSP option or URL.
    • Swapping a CSP option or URL for one not already listed.
  • Enabling licensing:
    • Enabling licensing creates a new version that requires approval of the Marketplace listing, making it a major version upgrade.
  • Adding or removing providers.
  • Changing a provider client ID.
  • In most cases, updating your app’s remote backends will result in a new major version. See the Remotes reference for details on which changes result in major and minor versions.

You can use the Forge CLI to complete a major upgrade with forge install --upgrade. Site admins can select upgrade from the manage apps screen to complete the app upgrade.

Minor version upgrades

Forge creates a new minor version whenever you deploy app changes that don’t result in a new major version. You can apply minor version updates to any major version, even older ones.

Unlike major versions, minor version upgrades do not require admin consent. When you deploy a new minor version, Forge automatically installs it to all sites running the same major version. This means that every site is always running the latest minor version of each app’s major version.


In some cases, a site admin can’t or won’t upgrade from an older major version of your app. You can still backport minor version upgrades to their app. When you do, Forge will automatically apply that minor version upgrade to all sites running the same major version.

To do this, use the --major-version option:

forge deploy --major-version [version] --verbose

The --verbose option will provide you with more useful details about any deployment errors. These details include whether your attempted deployment would have resulted in a new major version.


  • Any manifest file changes relating to Custom Entities cannot be backported. When you use the --major-version, the forge deploy command will ignore the storage section of your manifest file.
  • Due to a restriction in the Marketplace, the Version management screen displays only up to 9 backports for any single major version.

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