Last updated Oct 30, 2024

Manage your apps

You can securely manage all your Forge apps, Cloud Fortified Connect apps and OAuth 2.0 (3LO) integrations in one place using the Atlassian developer console.

View your apps

The developer console lets you view information about your apps and integrations, including their scopes and environments.

To access the console:

  1. From any page on, select your profile icon in the top-right corner.
  2. From the dropdown, select Developer console.

Your apps and integrations are listed with the following details:

  • App name: the name of your app, which can be changed in Settings
  • Distribution status: whether or not you've enabled sharing for your app
  • Updated on: the time and date you created your app or updated its settings
  • Type: the platform or framework used to build your app. To learn more about your options for building an app, see the Cloud development platform overview.

For Jira apps, the app name isn't the name displayed to users in the Jira issue. To change the name that appears in the Jira issue, you need to update the title in the manifest.

Your apps and integrations are listed in the order that they were last updated. You can search for an app using the search bar above the app table.

View Forge app details

Select a Forge app on the My apps screen to get more information about it, including app ID, environments, and permissions.

The Overview page displays the following panels:

  • App details
    • App ID: The identifier for the selected Forge app.
    • App environments: The three available environments for the app. The Environments page of the developer console lists the available environments of each app and their corresponding IDs.
    • Currently deployed to: Which of the three environments the app is currently deployed to.
  • Monitoring
    • Number of installations: How many sites the app is currently installed on.
    • Log summary: How many sites are currently sharing their logs with you.
  • Contributors
    • Your role: Your role as a contributor for the selected Forge app. See Roles and permissions for more details.
    • App owner: The owner of the app you're contributing to.
    • Total contributors: The total number of contributors for the app.
  • Permissions
    • API scopes: the API scopes currently included in the Forge app’s manifest file. See View Forge app permissions below for more information.
  • Distribution

View Forge app permissions

You can view the level of access your Forge app has to an Atlassian user’s account by selecting Permissions in the left menu, or selecting the Permissions panel.

The Permissions page lists the APIs included in your Forge app, where you have added at least one scope from that API to your app's manifest file. For the APIs and scopes to display on the Permissions page, you'll need to deploy your app to the production environment. See Environments and versions for more details.

To see the individual scopes for an API, select View.

Note, you can’t configure scopes for a Forge app from the developer console. To add scopes, see Add scopes to call an Atlassian REST API.

To learn more about Forge app permissions, see Security. For more information about individual scopes, see Permissions.

Create and edit Forge apps

Any new Forge apps you create using the CLI appear in the console, and any changes you make to existing Forge apps using the CLI are reflected in the console.

Delete Forge apps

The process of deleting Forge apps varies, depending on whether you've listed your app on the Atlassian Marketplace or you've distributed your app via the developer console.

Delete a Forge app listing on the Marketplace

By listing a Forge app on the Atlassian Marketplace, the app effectively becomes one of the following:

  • a paid via Atlassian app, if you listed it as a paid app
  • a free app, if you listed it as a free app

To delete a paid via Atlassian Forge app, see the Paid via Atlassian cloud apps only documentation. To delete a free Forge app, see the Free apps documentation.

For both paid via Atlassian and free apps, there are end-of-life (EOL) terms to consider when deleting the app from the Marketplace. The EOL terms only apply to apps with active customers. See Manual retiring of apps for more details.

Delete a Forge app distributed via the developer console

You can delete the app via the console if the app is not installed on a site.

  1. Access the developer console.
  2. Select the app that you want to delete.
  3. Go to Settings in the left menu, and select Delete app.

If the app is currently installed on a site, do one of the following:

  • Uninstall the app from all the sites it's installed on, then delete the app from the console.
  • Submit a ticket at Developer and Marketplace support, and the Atlassian team will uninstall and delete the app for you.

If you created Forge apps using Atlassian accounts based on aliases of the same email, then the list of apps for each account is treated independently. This means you need to uninstall the apps from each account individually.

For example, if you have an Atlassian account associated with, you can create separate Atlassian accounts based on aliases of the account, such as and If you signed up for Forge and created apps on all of these accounts, you need to uninstall the apps for each individual account.

Download audit logs

App admins can download audit logs for apps that use Forge-hosted storage. Audit logs contain details of audit events related to changes made in the storage location of app data.

Unlike app logs, which record events related to the app's operation and performance, audit logs are used for security and compliance purposes. They serve as supporting evidence for audits, demonstrating that the movement of app data was conducted in accordance with customer requests through Atlassian's Data Residency controls.

Availability of audit logs

Audit logs are available for download for a duration of two years. After this period, the logs are permanently deleted from the database and are no longer included in the downloadable CSV file.

When an app is uninstalled from a tenant, audit logs are available for 30 days. After 30 days, the related logs are erased from the database and can no longer be downloaded.

When an app is uninstalled from a tenant, audit logs remain available for download for 30 days. Since you as partner don’t know when an app is uninstalled from a tenant, we recommend downloading audit logs at a regular cadence to capture logs from uninstalled apps.

Data migration events captured by audit logs

Admin-initiated data migration of site and product locations

When a customer site admin moves their Jira or Confluence data to a location, that product’s status will then appear as PINNED. For any Forge apps installed on that product, all app data within the hosted storage is also moved to that same PINNED location as the host product.

Audit logs capture these data migration events, including when a migration has been scheduled, started, completed, or failed. See Data Residency and Move product data to a different location for more information.

App installation or uninstallation from a tenant

Audit logs capture app installation and uninstallation events within a tenant.

Atlassian scheduled Forge backfill operation

On March 28, 2024, Atlassian triggered a migration event for data residency for all Forge apps using hosted storage. For any apps deployed before this date, audit logs will include two entries for those events, Forge backfill started and Forge backfill completed. See the changelog for more details.

Event metadata

The following fields show the event metadata captured in audit logs:

App IDThe unique identifier of the Forge app.83ba0476-7067-4011-9a80-0a132d9ff63a
App nameThe name of the Forge app.spam-log
Site IDThe unique identifier of the site.87f02c6d-d051-4671-9338-612c4460f2fb
ProductThe name of the product associated with the app.Confluence
EnvironmentThe environment of the Forge app.Production
Installed versionThe installed version of the Forge app.3.1.0
EventThe status of a migration event or app lifecycle event.
  • Migration scheduled
  • Migration completed
  • App uninstalled
  • Event dateThe date when the event takes place.2024-03-12
    LocationThe current location of the site's data.Global
    Target locationThe intended location for the migration event. This field is marked as N/A during lifecycle events, which are app installation and app uninstallation.US

    Access audit logs from the developer console

    Only app admins have permission to download audit logs.

    You can download audit logs via the console:

    1. Access the developer console.
    2. Select the app for which you want to download audit logs.
    3. Go to Settings in the side navigation panel.
    4. In the Audit logs section, select Download.
    5. Select the date range of the audit logs you would like to download. Only audit logs within the last two years can be downloaded.
    6. Select Download. A CSV file containing the audit logs will be downloaded to your device.

    If you encounter an error when trying to download audit logs, check that your app is using hosted storage, or try a different date range. Remember, you can only download audit logs for apps that use hosted storage within the last two years.

    Developing for Atlassian Government Cloud

    This content is written with standard cloud development in mind. To learn about developing for Atlassian Government Cloud, go to our Atlassian Government Cloud developer portal.

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