The top level wrapper for the Compass Mutations API.
Property Name | Type | Description |
__typename | Literal | |
acknowledgeAnnouncement | Maybe<CompassAcknowledgeAnnouncementPayload> | Acknowledges an announcement on behalf of a component. |
addComponentLabels | Maybe<AddCompassComponentLabelsPayload> | Adds a collection of labels to a component. |
addDocument | Maybe<CompassAddDocumentPayload> | Adds a new document |
addTeamLabels | Maybe<CompassAddTeamLabelsPayload> | Adds labels to a team within Compass. |
applyScorecardToComponent | Maybe<ApplyCompassScorecardToComponentPayload> | Applies a scorecard to a component. |
attachComponentDataManager | Maybe<AttachCompassComponentDataManagerPayload> | Attach a data manager to a component. |
attachEventSource | Maybe<AttachEventSourcePayload> | Attaches an event source to a component. |
createAnnouncement | Maybe<CompassCreateAnnouncementPayload> | Creates an announcement for a component. |
createAssistantAnswer | Maybe<CompassCreateAssistantAnswerPayload> | Starts the creation of a Compass assistant answer based on the user-provided question |
createCampaign | Maybe<CompassCreateCampaignPayload> | Create a campaign |
createCompassEvent | Maybe<CompassCreateEventsPayload> | Creates a compass event. |
createComponent | Maybe<CreateCompassComponentPayload> | Creates a new component. |
createComponentApiUpload | Maybe<CreateComponentApiUploadPayload> | Creates a component API upload |
createComponentExternalAlias | Maybe<CreateCompassComponentExternalAliasPayload> | Creates an external alias for a component. |
createComponentFromTemplate | Maybe<CreateCompassComponentFromTemplatePayload> | Creates a new component from a given template. |
createComponentLink | Maybe<CreateCompassComponentLinkPayload> | Creates a link for a component. |
createComponentScorecardJiraIssue | Maybe<CompassCreateComponentScorecardJiraIssuePayload> | Creates a Jira issue for a component scorecard relationship. |
createComponentSubscription | Maybe<CompassCreateComponentSubscriptionPayload> | Creates a subscription to a component for current user. |
createComponentType | Maybe<CreateCompassComponentTypePayload> | Creates a new component type. |
createCustomFieldDefinition | Maybe<CompassCreateCustomFieldDefinitionPayload> | Creates a custom field definition. |
createEventSource | Maybe<CreateEventSourcePayload> | Creates an event source. |
createIncomingWebhook | Maybe<CompassCreateIncomingWebhookPayload> | Creates an incoming webhook that can be invoked to send events to Compass. |
createIncomingWebhookToken | Maybe<CompassCreateIncomingWebhookTokenPayload> | Creates a token for a Compass incoming webhook |
createMetricDefinition | Maybe<CompassCreateMetricDefinitionPayload> | Creates a metric definition on a Compass site. A metric definition provides details for a metric source. |
createMetricSource | Maybe<CompassCreateMetricSourcePayload> | Creates a metric source for a component. A metric source contains values providing numerical data about a component. |
createRelationship | Maybe<CreateCompassRelationshipPayload> | Creates a new relationship between two components. |
createScorecard | Maybe<CreateCompassScorecardPayload> | Creates a scorecard. |
createStarredComponent | Maybe<CreateCompassStarredComponentPayload> | Creates a starred relationship between a user and a component. |
createTeamCheckin | Maybe<CompassCreateTeamCheckinPayload> | Creates a checkin for a team. |
createWebhook | Maybe<CompassCreateWebhookPayload> | Creates a webhook to be used after a component is created from a template. |
deactivateScorecardForComponent | Maybe<CompassDeactivateScorecardForComponentPayload> | Deactivates a scorecard for a component. |
deleteAnnouncement | Maybe<CompassDeleteAnnouncementPayload> | Deletes an existing announcement from a component. |
deleteCampaign | Maybe<CompassDeleteCampaignPayload> | Delete a campaign |
deleteComponent | Maybe<DeleteCompassComponentPayload> | Deletes an existing component. |
deleteComponentExternalAlias | Maybe<DeleteCompassComponentExternalAliasPayload> | Deletes an existing external alias from a component. |
deleteComponentLink | Maybe<DeleteCompassComponentLinkPayload> | Deletes an existing link from a component. |
deleteComponentSubscription | Maybe<CompassDeleteComponentSubscriptionPayload> | Deletes a subscription to a component for current user. |
deleteComponentType | Maybe<DeleteCompassComponentTypePayload> | Deletes an existing component type with 0 associated components. |
deleteComponents | Maybe<BulkDeleteCompassComponentsPayload> | "Deletes existing components." |
deleteCustomFieldDefinition | Maybe<CompassDeleteCustomFieldDefinitionPayload> | Deletes a custom field definition, along with all values associated with the definition. |
deleteDocument | Maybe<CompassDeleteDocumentPayload> | Deletes a document |
deleteEventSource | Maybe<DeleteEventSourcePayload> | Deletes an event source and all the corresponding events from that event source. |
deleteIncomingWebhook | Maybe<CompassDeleteIncomingWebhookPayload> | Deletes an incoming webhook from Compass. |
deleteMetricDefinition | Maybe<CompassDeleteMetricDefinitionPayload> | Deletes a metric definition including the metric sources it defines from a Compass site. Metric sources contain values providing numerical data about a component. |
deleteMetricSource | Maybe<CompassDeleteMetricSourcePayload> | Deletes a metric source including the metric values it contains. |
deleteRelationship | Maybe<DeleteCompassRelationshipPayload> | Deletes an existing relationship between two components. |
deleteScorecard | Maybe<DeleteCompassScorecardPayload> | Deletes a scorecard. |
deleteStarredComponent | Maybe<DeleteCompassStarredComponentPayload> | Deletes a starred relationship between a user and a component. |
deleteTeamCheckin | Maybe<CompassDeleteTeamCheckinPayload> | Deletes a checkin from a team. |
detachComponentDataManager | Maybe<DetachCompassComponentDataManagerPayload> | Detach a data manager from a component. |
detachEventSource | Maybe<DetachEventSourcePayload> | Detaches an event source from a component. |
insertMetricValue | Maybe<CompassInsertMetricValuePayload> | Inserts a metric value in a metric source for a component. |
insertMetricValueByExternalId | Maybe<CompassInsertMetricValueByExternalIdPayload> | Inserts metric values into metric sources using the external ID of the source, except when a Forge app created the metric, and you're not that same Forge app. |
migrateComponentType | Maybe<MigrateComponentTypePayload> | Migrate components of a given type to a new type. |
reactivateScorecardForComponent | Maybe<CompassReactivateScorecardForComponentPayload> | Reactivates a scorecard for a component. |
removeComponentLabels | Maybe<RemoveCompassComponentLabelsPayload> | Removes a collection of existing labels from a component. |
removeScorecardFromComponent | Maybe<RemoveCompassScorecardFromComponentPayload> | Removes a scorecard from a component. |
removeTeamLabels | Maybe<CompassRemoveTeamLabelsPayload> | Removes labels from a team within Compass. |
revokeJqlMetricSourceUser | Maybe<CompassRevokeJqlMetricSourceUserPayload> | Revokes the user whose credentials are being used to fetch JQL metric values for the given metric source |
synchronizeLinkAssociations | Maybe<CompassSynchronizeLinkAssociationsPayload> | Synchronizes event and metric information for the current set of component links on a Compass site using the provided Forge app. |
unlinkExternalSource | Maybe<UnlinkExternalSourcePayload> | Clean external aliases and data managers pertaining to an externalSource |
updateAnnouncement | Maybe<CompassUpdateAnnouncementPayload> | Updates an announcement from a component. |
updateCampaign | Maybe<CompassUpdateCampaignPayload> | Update a campaign |
updateComponent | Maybe<UpdateCompassComponentPayload> | Updates an existing component. |
updateComponentApi | Maybe<UpdateComponentApiPayload> | Update the API of a component. |
updateComponentApiUpload | Maybe<UpdateComponentApiUploadPayload> | Updates a component API upload |
updateComponentDataManagerMetadata | Maybe<UpdateCompassComponentDataManagerMetadataPayload> | Update a data manager of a component. |
updateComponentLink | Maybe<UpdateCompassComponentLinkPayload> | Updates a link from a component. |
updateComponentScorecardJiraIssue | Maybe<CompassUpdateComponentScorecardJiraIssuePayload> | Updates a Jira issue for a component scorecard relationship. |
updateComponentType | Maybe<UpdateCompassComponentTypePayload> | Updates a component's type. |
updateComponentTypeMetadata | Maybe<UpdateCompassComponentTypeMetadataPayload> | Updates an existing component type. |
updateComponents | Maybe<BulkUpdateCompassComponentsPayload> | Updates multiple existing components. |
updateCustomFieldDefinition | Maybe<CompassUpdateCustomFieldDefinitionPayload> | Updates a custom field definition. |
updateCustomPermissionConfigs | Maybe<CompassUpdatePermissionConfigsPayload> | Update the custom permission configs. |
updateDocument | Maybe<CompassUpdateDocumentPayload> | Updates a document |
updateJqlMetricSourceUser | Maybe<CompassUpdateJqlMetricSourceUserPayload> | Sets the current user as the user whose credentials are being used to fetch JQL metric values for the given metric source |
updateMetricDefinition | Maybe<CompassUpdateMetricDefinitionPayload> | Updates a metric definition on a Compass site. |
updateScorecard | Maybe<UpdateCompassScorecardPayload> | Updates a scorecard. |
updateTeamCheckin | Maybe<CompassUpdateTeamCheckinPayload> | Updates a checkin for a team. |
updateUserDefinedParameters | Maybe<UpdateCompassUserDefinedParametersPayload> | Creates, updates, and deletes parameters from a given component |
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