

Accepts input for creating a checkin.

Property NameTypeDescription
actionsInputMaybe<Array<CompassCreateTeamCheckinActionInput>>A list of action items to be created with the checkin.
cloudIdStringThe cloud ID of the site to update a checkin on.
moodNumberThe mood of the checkin.
response1InputMaybe<String>The response to the question 1 of the team checkin.
response1RichTextInputMaybe<CompassCreateTeamCheckinResponseRichText>The response to the question 1 of the team checkin in a rich text format.
response2InputMaybe<String>The response to the question 2 of the team checkin.
response2RichTextInputMaybe<CompassCreateTeamCheckinResponseRichText>The response to the question 2 of the team checkin in a rich text format.
response3InputMaybe<String>The response to the question 3 of the team checkin.
response3RichTextInputMaybe<CompassCreateTeamCheckinResponseRichText>The response to the question 3 of the team checkin in a rich text format.
teamIdStringThe unique identifier (ID) of the team that did the checkin.

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