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Property NameTypeDescription
deploymentPropertiesCompassDeploymentEventPropertiesDeployment Properties
deploymentSequenceNumberMaybe<Any>The sequence number for the deployment.
descriptionMaybe<String>The description of the deployment event.
displayNameStringThe name of the deployment event.
environmentMaybe<CompassDeploymentEventEnvironment>The environment where the deployment event has occurred.
eventTypeCompassEventTypeThe type of the event.
lastUpdatedAnyThe last time this event was updated.
pipelineMaybe<CompassDeploymentEventPipeline>The deployment event pipeline.
stateMaybe<CompassDeploymentEventState>The state of the deployment.
updateSequenceNumberAnyA number specifying the order of the update to the event.
urlMaybe<Any>The URL of the deployment event.

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