Last updated Apr 1, 2023


Modules are defined in the manifest, and they describe how Forge apps extend and interact with Atlassian products.

Here are some examples of what you can do with Forge modules:

  • Create new custom fields in Jira
  • Add new menu items in Jira issues
  • Display app content in Confluence pages and blogs
  • Create Confluence custom content, such as templates, forms, or macros
  • Add a pull request card in Bitbucket
  • Use webhooks to listen for events

Some Forge modules remain in beta. While in beta, we may make changes that might break your apps. Learn more about the Forge deprecation policy, and what this means for functionality in beta.


Here's an example of how modules appear in the manifest.yml file.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 modules: macro: - key: hello-world-macro function: hello-world-macro-func title: Hello world macro! description: Inserts hello world! webtrigger: - key: webtrigger-sync function: my-forge-app-sync-func - key: my-webtrigger-async function: my-async-func trigger: - key: issue-creation-trigger events: - avi:jira:created:issue - avi:jira:updated:issue function: issue-trigger-func jira:workflowValidator: - key: my-forge-workflow-validator name: My example Forge workflow validator description: The description of my example Forge workflow validator function: my-forge-validator-function function: - key: my-forge-app-sync-func handler: index.runSync - key: my-async-func handler: index.runAsync - key: hello-world-macro-func handler: - key: issue-trigger-func handler: jira.issueCreationTrigger - key: my-forge-validator-function handler: index.runValidate

Reference documentation

To learn more, check out the modules reference documentation.

Compass modules

You can only use these modules with Compass:

The ability to access UI extensions in Compass depends on your user role. Product admins can access all extensions, while full users can access some extensions. Basic users can't access any extensions in Compass.

Confluence modules

The following modules can be used in Confluence apps:

Jira modules

You can only use these modules with Jira:

Jira Service Management modules

You can only use these modules with Jira Service Management:


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