Last updated Jun 5, 2020

Build your presence on Marketplace

Listing apps publicly in the Atlassian Marketplace requires three main components:

  1. Partner material that represents you or your organization
  2. App-specific assets
  3. Support documentation

Before creating material for items 1 and 2, make sure you're familiar with our brand guidelines for Marketplace partners. As you'd expect, you can't violate Atlassian's trademarks or those of other parties.

Create a partner profile

Your partner profile establishes credibility when users are browsing your app(s), so be sure to put some thought and effort into your name and logo. We strongly recommend outsourcing your logo to a graphic designer. There are resources that can help you find one easily and cheaply, such as 99designs or Fiverr.

partner profile


Partner name

Up to 40 characters

Displayed with your apps, homepage sidebars, and on your partner page. Use your company name or, if an individual, your own name. Be mindful of trademark and copyright guidelines. Short names are preferred.

Partner description

Up to 750 characters

Describe your what organization does/what problem(s) it intends to solve.

Partner logo

144 x 144px PNG/JPG/GIF

Upload a large, clear, front-facing image that fits into a square. Your logo should be relevant to your partner name, as it will appear on your partner page next to your name. Make sure it has a transparent background.

Contact details


Add as much contact information as you can, especially a link to your own website, if you have one.

Support details


How and when can your users contact you if they need support? Even better is providing an external link to support documentation. If you sell paid via Atlassian apps, you must provide support contact details.

Create a listing for your app

The Marketplace requires branding materials to list your app on the site, whether your app is free or paid. In usability testing, customers express preferences for multiple small screenshots, shorter text elements, and easy-to-digest highlights. For this reason, we require three highlights for every app in the Marketplace. This also provides a uniform visual experience from app to app and lets Marketplace visitors quickly learn what three things your app can do for them.

If you're struggling to come up with three distinct highlights for your app, we suggest framing your app in different contexts. For example, how does your app make working in an Atlassian product easier? What are the broad goals people can meet using your app? Does it save time? Does it improve admin tasks? 

Conversely, if you are unsure how to trim your app benefits down to only three, consider a similar approach. Instead of listing all the things your app can do, list the most salient benefits. We suggest choosing three distinct high-level benefits. 

In the hero version of the listing, you have the option to include a video. We suggest including a video walk through of your app if possible.

App Listing Details



App name

60 characters or less

Example: Project Planner for Jira

Use title casing (for example, Project Planner, not Project planner) to name your app in 60 characters or less. Using the Atlassian product name is acceptable (App Name for Product Name), but not starting with the product name. For example, Jira App X would be rejected, but App X for Jira would be approved.

Ensure your app name does NOT include the following words and names: Atlassian, plugin, beta, BETA, Beta, add-on, or app.

App tagline

130 characters or less

Example: Project planner makes project management a cinch. Plan and schedule tasks using our intuitive interface in Jira.

Provide a short phrase that summarizes what your app can do.

App summary (Legacy)

250 characters or less

Example: Project planner makes project management a cinch. Plan and schedule tasks using our intuitive interface, and see real-time updates when a task runs long or short.

Provide a plain text app summary in 250 characters or less. Marketplace displays your app summary in search results.

More details


1000 characters or less

Example: Project Planner helps you plan and track projects more efficiently. Get real-time calendar updates when an issue runs longer or shorter than expected, and capture snapshots of your project health to share with stakeholders and contributors.

Project Planner is used in over 90 countries to make project management easier and more efficient. You can feel secure in your timeline projections using Project Planner.

List awards, testimonials, accolades, language support, or other details about your app. Marketplace displays this field in plain text except for hyperlinks, bullets, and line breaks.


No limit

Provide a YouTube link to a short video about your app. Users like short videos (30 seconds or less), and videos that show how your app is used. Marketplace displays your video as 800 x 600px.

App logo

144 x 144px PNG/JPG

Template: Download template

Upload a crisp logo at 144 x 144px. Use transparent or bounded, chiclet-style backgrounds. Marketplace automatically creates an app icon from your logo.

You cannot use any Atlassian product logo as part of your app logo or contents. For more details see our brand guidelines for Marketplace partners.

Ensure your logo is unique. If you have apps that provide the same function across different Atlassian products, it's okay to use the same logo.

App banner

1120 x 548px PNG/JPG for high-resolution images or 560 x 274px PNG/JPG for standard images

Template: Download high-resolution template | Download standard template

Provide a banner at 1120 x 548px in PNG/JPG format. Include your app name, your partner name, and brief text about your app's functionality. Users see this banner displayed in the UPM when they browse the Marketplace from their Atlassian host product.

Highlight title (3)

50 characters or less.

Example: Track time

Add a short action-oriented title for your highlight.

Highlight summary (3)

220 characters or less.

Example: View issue and task progress relative to your deadlines and sprints

Summarize your app's key features.

Highlight screenshot (3)

1840 x 900px PNG/JPG or 920 x 450px PNG/JPG for standard images.

Template: Download high-resolution template | Download standard template

Illustrate your highlight with a screenshot. High-definition display screenshots encouraged.

Highlight screenshot - cropped (3)

580 x 330px PNG/JPG

Template: Download template

Provide a cropped version of your screenshot. This image is displayed prominently on the app details page.

Highlight screenshot caption (3)

220 characters or less.

Example: In this screenshot, you can see how to set deadlines for multiple issues at a time.

Provide an explanation for your screenshot.

Additional Media

Provide additional screenshots and captions to support the version. These can be viewed in the gallery section on the listing page.

Up to 220 characters each (explanations)

  • Up to 5 additional screenshots per highlight
  • Up to 5 additional screenshot explanations

Describe your release

Each release of your app should contain a summary and can also include additional info, such as release notes and/or documentation. 


Release summary

80 characters or less

Example: Better compatibility for Google Chrome

Summarize your app release in 80 characters or less. Required for all apps.

Release notes

1000 characters or less


  • Added customizable project health snapshots
  • Resolved display issues in Google Chrome

List new features and/or bug fixes included in your release.

Documentation URL

Provide a URL where app users can find version-specific or general documentation for your app. Required for for paid via Atlassian apps; optional for others.

Version officially supported

Paid via Atlassian apps must be supported by the partner; for all other public listings partner support is optional. For supported apps, the app listing will show a link to the support info provided in the partner profile.

Atlassian Community enabled

Indicate if you want Marketplace to create a special tag for your app in Atlassian Community. When enabled, app users can ask and receive answers from members of the Atlassian Community.

Issue tracker

Provide a URL where app users can file issues and bugs.

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