Last updated Apr 16, 2023

Marketplace FAQs

What if I need a larger tier size?

The Marketplace Partner Discount which offers: Jira Service Desk Cloud: 25 agents, Jira Software Cloud: 500 users, and Confluence Cloud: 500 users is still available, but requests must be approved by Atlassian. We are no longer accepting requests for the Marketplace Partner Discount for any partner who does not have at least one paid via Atlassian app currently listed in the Marketplace, and approval is contingent upon agreeing to install the app described in the support metrics data collection section above. We are not approving any requests beyond 25 agents for Jira Service Desk, 500 users for Jira Software Cloud, and/or 500 users for Confluence Cloud.

What if I am also an Atlassian Solution Partner?

If you are an Atlassian Solution Partner, you may be eligible to receive additional benefits which include: Server and Data Center offerings, additional products like Trello, Bitbucket and Hipchat, and higher tiers (for server and Data Center offerings only). Go to the Charlie Portal to apply.

If you already receive free license benefits through the Solution Partner program, you will not be eligible to receive additional benefits through the Marketplace Partner Program.

Are there any options for hosting my app source code?

If you want source code hosting along with a simple issue tracker and wiki, we're happy to point you to Bitbucket, which is free for small teams of up to 5 users!

I already have a cloud instance for my app projects. Can I convert my billing to this offer?

If your instance meets the other requirements, yes. Just create a new request anyway and we'll figure out the details from there.

I have multiple paid via Atlassian apps. How many instances can I apply for?

We can only offer this benefit for one instance per company.

I have a question not answered here. What do I do?

See the documentation or visit our help portal. We'll help!

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