Last updated Jun 27, 2024

Partner trademark policy for Google and Microsoft Ads

This page outlines Atlassian's trademark policy for partners, which includes Solution Partners, Marketplace Partners, Global Alliance Partners, and Platform Partners. For a review of Google Ads terminology or if you have any questions, please refer to the terminology list and FAQ section located at the bottom of this page.

Policy effective date

This policy is effective immediately.

Bidding on Atlassian trademarks as keywords in Google Ads campaigns

Atlassian partners are not allowed to bid on Atlassian trademarks as keywords in any of the following match types within their paid search account:

  • Exact match
  • Phrase match
  • Broad match

Atlassian partners are able to bid on keywords which include additional text in addition to the Atlassian trademarks in the following match types:

  • Exact match
  • Phrase match

Below are examples of adaptations of Atlassian trademarks as keywords:

  • atlassian partner
  • jira services
  • acmeco app for confluence

What actions need to be taken?

Please review the following two requirements and take the necessary actions.

First action — keyword review & removal

Please conduct a thorough review of your keyword lists within Google Ads platform and remove any keywords from the list below from all available match types (Exact, Phrase, and Broad match), if applicable.

Atlassian trademarks

  • Atlassian
  • Atlassian Align
  • Atlassian Bitbucket
  • Atlassian Bamboo
  • Atlassian Bonfire
  • Atlassian Clover
  • Atlassian Confluence
  • Atlassian Crowd
  • Atlassian Crucible
  • Atlassian Guard
  • Atlassian Jira
  • Atlassian Jira Service Desk
  • Atlassian Jira Service Management
  • Atlassian Jira Work Management
  • Atlassian Marketplace
  • Atlassian ondemand
  • Atlassian Rovo
  • Atlassian Statuspage
  • Atlassian Trello
  • Atlas
  • Bamboo
  • Bitbucket
  • Clover
  • Compass
  • Confluence
  • Confluence Questions
  • Crowd
  • Crucible
  • Fisheye
  • Halp
  • Impossible Alone
  • Jira
  • Jira Agile
  • Jira Align
  • Jira Core
  • Jira Ops
  • Jira Service Desk
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira Work Management
  • Jira Product Discovery
  • Jira Software
  • Jira Studio
  • Loom
  • Opsgenie
  • Point A
  • Rovo
  • Sourcetree
  • Statuspage
  • Trello

Second action — add negative keywords

To minimize the risk of your account being flagged, include all trademarks listed above as exact match negative keywords in your campaigns. The best way to accomplish this is by creating a negative keyword list that's then applied across all campaigns.

These guidelines apply to all trademarks, trade names, and service marks owned or used by Atlassian, including any marks and names utilized or adopted by Atlassian in the future. Atlassian reserves the right to include or exclude trademarks from this policy as necessary.

What does this mean for Atlassian partners?

You may keep bidding on most keywords, except for the Atlassian trademarks listed above. To avoid any issues, make sure to add the Atlassian trademarks to your accounts' negative keywords list in exact match type. Otherwise, your ads might unintentionally appear on these restricted search terms, prompting a response from our team and potentially leading to removal from Google's whitelist.

What does this mean for Marketplace partners?

We acknowledge that some of the Marketplace apps you've developed for Atlassian products may contain elements of Atlassian trademarks. You are permitted to bid on keywords for your full app name, such as "AcmePlugin for Jira" in exact or phrase match types. However, we'd advise to restrict it to exact match to prevent any potential violations. If you opt to include phrase match type, please ensure that you add the Atlassian trademarks to your accounts' negative keywords list in exact match type. Failure to apply this negative list may result in your account being flagged for violation. A violation notice will be issued, and you will be required to rectify the violation or face potential removal from our trademark whitelist.

Including Atlassian trademarks in Google Ads ad copy

Service desk to request whitelisting

Atlassian partners can request to be added to the whitelist through our service desk. Once we receive your request, we will carefully review it and proceed with adding your advertiser account to our Trademark Whitelist with Google.

Acceptable use of Atlassian trademarks

It's okay to incorporate Atlassian's trademarks, however, it must be clear that your product is a third-party tool and not otherwise endorsed, sponsored, created, or owned by Atlassian. For example: "acme plugin for jira" is okay, whereas "jira plugin for acme" is not. The former connotes a 3rd party plugin for Jira, the latter implies an Atlassian-developed tool. Source

For more information about Google Text ad requirements, visit this link.

Process for policy violations

Atlassian partners appearing in sponsored search results for any trademark-owned terms by Atlassian will be deemed in breach of these policies. The primary contact on record will be notified of violation via email, which will also include a reminder of the terms set forth in this policy. Should the advertiser account persist in violating our policy, we reserve the right to revoke their inclusion in our trademark whitelist. Atlassian maintains the authority to exclude repeat offenders.


Keyword(s): An informative word used in Google Ads bidding to match ads with what (potential) customers are looking for. Read more on how to add and remove keywords from your Google Ads account.

Campaign: A Google Ads campaign is an ad campaign within a Google Ads account. A Google Ads campaign is usually composed of several ad groups. Each ad group serves different ad texts based on the type of keyword a user may type into Google's search engine.

Ad Group: An ad group contains one or more ads which target a shared set of keywords. You set a bid, or price, to be used when an ad group's keywords trigger an ad to appear.This is called a cost-per-click (CPC) bid. You can also set prices for individual keywords within the ad group.

Display URL: The webpage address that appears with your ad, typically shown in green text. Learn more

Final URL: The URL address of the page in your website that people reach when they click your ad. Learn more

See the Google Ads glossary for a complete list of definitions and explanations of these terms.

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