Last updated Oct 23, 2023

Alternate deployment model for server apps

As of Feb 15, 2024, Atlassian Marketplace will no longer offer sales and support for server apps. We are in the process of updating the server related information in DAC to reflect this change and some of the existing information may not align with the current experience. If you're considering cloud or have migrating customers, here's the step-by-step guide to help moving your app and customers to cloud.

It is possible that your app will fail to start if the Licensing API (either License Storage app or UPM 2.x+) is not present at the time of your app's installation.

What was supposed to happen?

If you followed the licensing tutorial, you should have the following component in your atlassian-plugin.xml:

<component key="pluginLicenseStoragePluginInstaller" class=""/>

This component, when initialized, installs and/or enables the License Storage app (if needed) that supports your app's licensing. The License Storage app allows your app to have the Licensing API available always, even for older product versions that do not come bundled with UPM 2.0.

What went wrong?

Some apps have components that use the Licensing API and get initialized before the PluginLicenseStoragePluginInstaller component has a chance to initialize. When this occurs, the first component (the one that uses the Licensing API) fails to initialize. It fails because it cannot resolve the Licensing API's classes, and as a result, the app fails to start up--all before PluginLicenseStoragePluginInstaller has a chance to complete.

To determine whether or not your app has this problem, remove the following bundledArtifact:


How do I work around this problem?

You can deploy your app as an OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository) file with the License Storage app provided as a dependency.

  1. Bump your upm.license.compatibility.version property to 2.2.2 or later.

  2. Add the following pluginDependencies section to your maven-<productName>-plugin configuration:

            <!-- Specify what to bundle in the OBR -->
  3. Delete the following four packages from your <DynamicImport-Package> tag. If these are the only four packages listed as dynamic import packages, you should remove the entire <DynamicImport-Package> tag.


    If you specify <Import-Package> statements, you should add these four packages there.

  4. After rebuilding your app, distribute the <artifactId>-<versionId>.obr artifact instead of the <artifactId>-<versionId>.jar artifact.

You can verify the fix by starting up a fresh host product instance (without the License Storage app or UPM 2.x+ being installed). Then install your generated .obr artifact in the Universal Plugin Manager.

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