Last updated Oct 22, 2022

Atlassian brand guidelines for Marketplace Partners

Review these brand guidelines carefully to ensure that you are always:

  • Making it clear that you are a third-party partner.
  • Looking and sounding like your own company, not Atlassian.
  • Staying true to the product information provided to you by Atlassian without modifying the provided information.
  • Not making any unsubstantiated claims in your marketing assets.
  • Acting as an Atlassian brand ambassador, and helping to protect the integrity and strength of our brands by complying with our trademark guidelines.

Below are branding do's and dont's with examples. Keep in mind that the examples provided are meant to be a guide and don't address all approved or non-approved scenarios. Always use your best judgment and file a ticket if you are uncertain about something.

Logos and assets

Atlassian's logos, wordmarks, product names, illustrations, and proprietary fonts are all part of its brand. As a third party, logos you use to represent your company or your individual apps must not incorporate any elements of our brand, or modify them.

Use a unique logo to represent your company and unique logos to represent your apps in the Atlassian Marketplace and Universal Plugin Manager (UPM). For specifics about logo specifications, see Building your presence on Marketplace.

Example of approved logo:

good to go

This app logo is proprietary to the company that creates the app. It is clear and simple and does not use Atlassian or product logos, wordmarks, fonts, names, illustrations, or icons.

Examples of NOT approved logos:

atlassian logos alone

atlassian logos together

Do not use our company or product logos, neither on their own nor in conjunction with your logo.

atlassian logos likeness

Do not create logos in the likeness of our company or product logos.

atlassian logos modified

Do not use modified or reconfigured versions of our logo pieces.

atlassian product names

Do not use our company or product names, wordmarks, or wordmark font.

atlassian illustrations

Do not use Atlassian-owned illustrations, icons, or other brand assets.

other companies logos

Do not use other companies' logos, mascots, or other assets without express written consent from the owner of the trademark. Make sure to submit evidence of this written consent with your app submission.

This being said, you may use our logos in your marketing assets, such as your website, white papers, and blog posts. We ask that you keep our logos up-to-date in your assets and show the most recent versions of our products in your screenshots, demo videos, etc. You can find all current versions of our logos here.

Looking for a badge? Refer to the Developer Community for downloadable Atlassian Marketplace badges.

Atlassian product names

Some Atlassian product names used to be written in camel case, or in the case of Jira, all caps. Now, all of our product names are written in title case. That means each letter except the first letter in the name is lowercase. All references to our products in text must utilize the proper casing.

  • JIRA --> Jira
  • HipChat --> Hipchat
  • BitBucket --> Bitbucket
  • StatusPage --> Statuspage
  • FishEye --> Fisheye
  • SourceTree --> Sourcetree


As an Atlassian Marketplace Partner, it's important that you properly represent your relationship with Atlassian, i.e., that you are a third-party and not Atlassian itself. Always make it clear that you are a Marketplace Partner through the use of your authorized Marketplace badges and in the text on your website, in social media, on event booths, etc. All social media handles, tags, etc. should represent your brands only.

It's also important to make sure you are not making unsubstantiated claims in your marketing. This includes advertising, website copy, social media, sales decks, digital marketing, etc. Avoid subjective terms like best. Instead, use factual claims that demonstrate your success. Focus on what makes you/your app unique. Make it clear what you are offering the customer and why they should use your app.

Examples of approved messaging:

  • We are a partner in the Atlassian Marketplace.
  • We provide apps that extend the capabilities of Atlassian products.

Examples of NOT approved messaging:

  • We are the #1 Atlassian Marketplace Partner.
  • We make Atlassian's best apps.

Look and feel

Make sure to keep your names, domains, images, colors, etc., on your website and other marketing assets outside of Marketplace distinct from Atlassian and other Marketplace Partners. While you may think it's flattery, people whose work you copy will usually notice and complain about it.

App names

To maintain consistent and accurate branding across Atlassian Marketplace, there are validation checks during the app publish and app version update flows. These checks are designed to ensure that all app names comply with our branding guidelines.

The goal of these guidelines is threefold:

Consistency: Maintain a uniform and recognizable brand presence across Marketplace.

Compliance: Ensure that all apps adhere to the established guidelines, preventing the use of proprietary or reserved terms that could confuse customers.

Efficiency: Streamline the app review process, allowing for quicker approvals.

Use names that describe what your app does or that match your brand. Avoid names that may indicate, in any way, that the app is built by Atlassian.

Follow these guidelines to name your app:

  • Name length:
    • Your app name must be 60 characters or less.
  • Format:
    • Use the format: <App Name>, <App Name for (or any preposition) Product Name> or <App name for (or any preposition) Product Name + anything after that>.
      • For example: 
        • Allowed: Productivity Booster, Productivity Booster for Jira, Productivity Booster for Jira Cloud, Productivity Booster for Jira Workflows or Productivity Booster for Jira by XYZ
        • Not allowed: Jira Productivity Booster
  • Title case:
    • Use title case for all words in your app name, including Atlassian product names.
      • For example: 
        • Allowed: Project Planner or Project Planner for Jira
        • Not allowed: project planner or Project planner for jira
  • Positioning of Atlassian product name:
    • Atlassian product names shouldn’t be at the beginning of the app name. This is because names that start with Atlassian product names may be interpreted as apps created by Atlassian. We want to avoid that confusion and potential attribution.
      • For example: 
        • Allowed: Bug Fixer for Jira
        • Not allowed: Jira Bug Fixer
  • Prohibited words:
    • Avoid including the following terms: "Premium," "Atlassian," "plugin," "beta," "BETA," "Beta," "add-on," or "app”.
      • For example:
        • Allowed: Workflow Automator 
        • Not allowed: Jira Plugin Beta or Premium Planner for Jira
  • Prepositions:
    • If using a preposition with an Atlassian product’s name, allowed options include "for," "in," "and", "with," "of," "into," "to," "at," "from," and "on”.
    • Using “by” as a preposition with an Atlassian’s product name isn’t allowed because it might confuse the customers and make them think that the app has been created by Atlassian.
      • For example:
        • Allowed: Themes for Confluence
        • Not allowed: Themes by Confluence
    • Don’t use an Atlassian product’s name without a preposition
      • For example:
        • Not allowed: Enhanced Issue Insertion Macro Jira
    • The use of “&” and “and” is permitted to join two Atlassian products or an Atlassian and a non-Atlassian product.
    • Using “from” as a preposition with an Atlassian product name is allowed only if it is clear that the app was not created by Atlassian.
      • For example:
        • Allowed: Move Tasks from Confluence to Jira
        • Not allowed: Move Tasks from Confluence
  • Non-alphanumeric characters:
    • Avoid using the dash (“-”) or other non-alphanumeric characters before or after the Atlassian product name. Parentheses are allowed.
      • For example: 
        • Allowed: Diagrams for Confluence (Cloud)
        • Not allowed: Diagrams for Confluence - Cloud
  • Uniqueness:
    • Ensure your app name is unique and does not exactly match any existing active app names in the Atlassian Marketplace.
    • If a conflict arises, the app name published first will be considered the original.
    • If your app name closely resembles another active app name, it may be flagged for further review. If the names are considered too similar, the review process could lead to rejection, as this might cause customer confusion. The degree of similarity for these checks will not be disclosed to prevent any adjustments that could bypass them

Examples of allowed app names:

  • Bug Fixer for Jira
  • Themes for Confluence
  • Dropbox Connector for Bitbucket
  • Scrum Poker for Jira
  • Workflow Automator
  • Easy Pull Requests
  • Export Pages from Confluence
  • Time Checker for Jira (Cloud)

Examples of not allowed app names:

  • Jira Bug Fixer
  • Confluence Themes
  • Time Tracker Jira
  • Bitbucket Dropbox Connector
  • Premium Scrum Poker for Jira
  • Atlassian Project Planner
  • Jira Plugin Beta
  • Export Pages by Confluence
  • Time Checker for Jira - Cloud


When choosing a domain, don't use domains that misrepresent your company as Atlassian. Atlassian (or our products) should never be used in your domain. This is misleading because it represents you as Atlassian. You may, however, use Atlassian (or our products) in the URL path.

Examples of approved domains:


Examples of NOT approved domains:


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