Last updated Nov 14, 2022

Webhook delivery success rate

A webhook is an HTTP POST request sent from the Atlassian infrastructure to an app-defined endpoint under the base URL. Webhooks are sent to notify apps of product events, and are critical to performant, dynamic apps.

Webhooks for Jira and Confluence have slight differences in their contracts. For example, Jira webhooks support retries.

The enabled and disabled lifecycle events are webhooks and are included in this metric.

Event definitions

Good event: a webhook request that returns an HTTP response with a 200 OK or 204 No Content status code.

Bad event: a webhook request that returns an HTTP response with any other status code, or that doesn't produce an HTTP response due to a DNS resolution error, SSL error, HTTP request timeout or other reason within the app's control.

Events excluded from measurements:

  • Webhook delivery failures due to an Atlassian issue.
  • Webhook delivery failures on Cloud instances that should be excluded from SLI measurements as you provided in your app's program application.
  • Webhook requests sent by Ecoscanner.

Target SLO

Cloud Fortified apps must maintain a webhook delivery success rate of at least 99% over 28 days.

To provide early warning of potential future SLO breaches, we'll notify you if the webhook delivery success rate has been less than 99% for the past 15 minutes.

Best practices

Webhooks may have spikes of high volume of requests, so we encourage apps to process webhooks asynchronously, only performing JWT authentication before deferring further processing and immediately returning an HTTP response.

Known issues

  • Metrics are collected from apps not installed from Marketplace (CONFCLOUD-74737, JRACLOUD-79975). As a workaround, we recommend that you don’t use the same app key for development and testing that is used in your app’s Marketplace listing.
  • The connect_addon_disabled webhook (the disabled lifecycle event) is sometimes sent after the app is uninstalled, and is therefore sent without a JWT token (AC-2561).

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