If your app is a paid app, customers have the option to try it before they buy it. So how do you convince them to buy it? There are many ways to do this, and entire marketing teams are dedicated to it at many companies. But even if you don't have a marketing department, you can use the strategies below to help get you started.
We suggest using this rule of thumb when determining how much to charge for your app: answer the question, "How much value does my app bring to Atlassian product X?"
For example, if your app brings 20% value to Jira, then charge 20% of the cost of Jira.
Users can rate each app in the Marketplace from 1 to 4 stars. It's important to stay on top of your ratings, as they are one of the first things users see when looking at an app listing.
If you are just getting started and don't have any ratings, start by encouraging your first few users to rate your app. The more ratings you have, the more trust users will have in the overall rating of your app.
Sometimes users will provide specific feedback in those reviews. Take them into consideration and make improvements to your app accordingly. If users see that their concerns are being addressed, your ratings are more likely to go up.
It's important to update your app so that users can see it's an active product. If users see that the initial version of the app was launched a year ago and no updates have been made to it since, they might think that the creator has abandoned it, is not supporting it, etc.
Users can see the iterations the app under the Versions tab on your listing. This doesn't mean you have to update the app for no reason, but at the same time, don't let it sit there and go stale!
Learn more about versioning and support documentation here.
The admin console of Marketplace gives you robust reporting tools that allow you to see your sales, conversions, feedback, and more. It also gives you access to those who are licensing your app (whether they are trying it or have purchased it). You can use this data to email your users who haven't yet bought your app.
Sending an email sounds easy, but in order to be most effective, you need a strong email strategy. Don't just email your users asking why they haven't bought your app yet. Instead, highlight some of the features they might have missed (or might not have access to in a trial version). Or, create a use case for using your app that they might not have thought of.
You can get customer details from the Reports/Licenses page (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/manage/vendors/YOURVENDORID/reporting/licenses
) or through the REST API (https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/marketplace/rest/#api-vendors-vendorId-reporting-licenses-export-get
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