Last updated Jan 31, 2024


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    When a customer tests, trials or evaluates the app for free, it is called an evaluation.

    This Evaluations report is a statistic built on top of the raw data from your licenses. It displays all the evaluations that were initiated for your apps at a particular point in time. The details are charted out on a graph and also shown numerically on a table.

    You can customize the dates and view your evaluations by hosting, region, or country.

    Evaluations report sample image


    Filters offer different kinds of customizations:

    • Date range: This filter provides multiple iterations to customize the dates. All the dates displayed are in UTC. These are your options:
      • All dates
      • Last 30 days
      • Last 90 days
      • This month to date
      • Last month
      • Year to date
      • Last year
      • Custom
    • Hosting: You can view the evaluations that were initiated on all your hosting types separately. Consequently, you can view the total evaluations that were initiated on all hosting types as well.
      • Cloud: The evaluations that were initiated for all your apps on cloud or for a specific app on cloud.
      • Server: The evaluations that were initiated for all your apps on server or for a specific app on server.
      • Data Center: The evaluations that were initiated for all your apps on Data Center or for a specific app on Data Center.
      • All sales: The evaluations that were initiated on all hosting types for all apps or for a specific app.
    • Region: You can view the evaluations that were initiated in different regions separately. Consequently, you can view the total evaluations that were initiated in all the regions as well.
      • Americas: This region comprises North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
      • APAC: The Asia-Pacific region includes countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands.
      • EMEA: This region encompasses countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
      • Unknown: The regions apart from Americas, APAC and EMEA.
    • Country: You can view the evaluations that were initiated in different countries separately. The top three countries in which your evaluations were initiated are called out individually and the remaining are bucketed under others. You can also view the total evaluations that were initiated in all the countries as well.


    Evaluations report sample image

    The evaluations are charted on a time-series graph where the Y-axis is the number of evaluations that were initiated. The graph depicts your evaluations based on the selected filter.

    You can group the charts by week or month.

    You can also toggle the chart patterns from the three dots on the top right and change them for better accessibility.


    Evaluations report sample image

    Within the table, your data is numerically displayed for all your apps as well as for specific apps.

    Clicking on an amount on the table while you’re viewing your evaluations by hosting type will take you to the Licenses report with those filters applied. For example, if you click on the number of evaluations that were initiated for all your apps in cloud, it will open the Licenses report for all your apps in cloud and show you all the evaluations that are adding up to that amount.

    For information about other terms used in the reports, check out the glossary.

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