Last updated Jan 31, 2024

Glossary for Marketplace reports

This glossary explains the terms mentioned in the Reports section of your partner account.


  • Academic license: A license generated when a customer registers as an academic institution, either paid or free.
  • Active license: A currently valid license that allows the customer to access the app.
  • Addon key: Also referred to as plugin key. It's the unique identifier for an app and is a string value. It’s similar to app ID which is a unique number for an app.
  • Addon license ID: The unique ID for a license which has been purchased for an app. It identifies the exact app licensed by the customer.
  • Addon name: The name of the app.
  • Admin hub: The source where feedback is collected for Data Center and server apps.
  • Americas: A region comprising North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
  • Annual billing cycle: Billing cycle for licenses that run on a year-to-year basis.
  • Anonymous: An author category when a customer does not disclose their identity while providing feedback.
  • APAC: The Asia-Pacific region, including East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands.


  • Billing period: The billing cycle for licenses and transactions.


  • Cancelled license: A license terminated by the customer before the maintenance period ends.
  • Cancellation: The action of cancelling a license, leading to a refund.
  • Churn rate: The number of subscriptions that were not renewed.
    • Formula: (Number of subscriptions not renewed)/ (Number of subscriptions due to be renewed)
  • Churn reasons: Customer-provided reasons for uninstalling, unsubscribing, or disabling an app.
  • Cloud: The hosting type for apps.
  • Cloud churn: The number of licenses cancelled for cloud apps.
  • Cloud conversions: The number of active cloud evaluations converted into paid licenses.
    • Formula: (Number of new paid subscriptions) / (Number of evaluations)
  • Cloud renewals: The number of licenses renewed for cloud apps.
    • Formula: (Number of renewals) / (Number of renewal opportunities)
  • Commercial license: A paid license generated when a customer organization uses an app for commercial purposes.
  • Community license: A free license generated for community-driven projects.
  • Contacts: The email ID provided by a particular customer for contact from your end.
  • Conversions: The number of active trials due for renewal that got converted to paid licenses for cloud apps.
  • Conversion rate: (Number of conversions to paid subscriptions) / (Number of evaluations due to expire) in the specified date range.
  • Corporate reseller channel: Large-scale resellers catering to enterprise-level customers.
  • Country: The geographic location where sales or evaluations are active.
  • Customer location: The location out of which the customer is based.


  • Data Center: The hosting type for apps.
  • Demonstration license: A free license generated to showcase an app during presentations, trials, or testing phases.
  • Direct channel: License generated directly from the Marketplace website or EMCEE.
  • Disable: When a customer disables a server or Data Center app, the license is cancelled, payment stops, but the data for that instance is retained.


  • End date: The date on which the maintenance period ends.
  • Entitlement number: The unique identifier generated for licenses for cloud apps.
  • Evaluation license: Generated when a customer decides to try an app; can be converted to a paid license.
  • Evaluations: The number of active trials.
  • Expired license: A license that has reached the end of its maintenance period.
  • Expert channel: Involves certified Atlassian experts providing specialized services to customers.


  • Feedback: Customer-provided information when churning an app, including reasons and types.
  • Feedback date: The date on which a customer churns and provides feedback.
  • Free license: Generated when a customer installs an app for free.
  • Free starter tier apps: Apps for a specified user tier costing $0-$10.


  • Hosting: The hosting type for an app for a particular license.
  • Host entitlement number: The unique identifier for the parent product license for cloud apps.


  • Known: An author category when a customer discloses their identity while providing feedback.


  • License: Upon installation of an app, a license is generated.
  • License ID: The unique identifier for licenses for server and Data Center apps.
  • License status: Current validity status of a license - active, expired, or cancelled.
  • License types: Categories like evaluation, paid, and free licenses.


  • Maintenance period: The period for which the license is originally supposed to be active.
  • Manage apps: Source where feedback is collected for Data Center and server apps.
  • Monthly billing cycle: Billing cycle for licenses that run on a month-to-month basis.


  • Net $: Revenue generated from a particular transaction after subtracting the Atlassian fee.
  • New cloud reasons: Source at which feedback is collected for cloud apps.
  • New sale: A transaction made when a customer pays for a license for the first time.


  • Open source license: A free license generated when providing customers the freedom to view, modify, or distribute an app’s source code.
  • Order ID: The unique identifier for a particular transaction.


  • Paid license: Generated when a customer starts paying for an app.
  • Paid sale: A transaction made when a customer pays for a license.


  • Refund: The transaction made when a customer cancels an existing license and gets a refund.
  • Region: Geographic area,s like Americas, APAC, EMEA, and Unknown.
  • Renewal opportunities: Licenses that are due for renewals.
  • Renewal rate: (Number of renewals) / (Number of renewal opportunities) in the specified date range.
  • Renewal transaction: The transaction made when a customer renews an existing license.
  • Reseller channel: Third-party companies selling Atlassian products.
  • Revenue: The total income generated from transactions.


  • Sale channel: Channels like expert, reseller, corporate reseller, and direct.
  • Sale price: The price at which an app is listed.
  • Sale type: Types like new, renewal, upgrade, and refund transactions.
  • Sales: The total sales accomplished from all hosting types or by a specific app.
  • Server: The hosting type for apps.
  • Source: The source at which the feedback is collected.
  • Start date: The date on which the maintenance period starts.
  • Subscription churn: The number of subscriptions not renewed.


  • Table: A numerical display of data for all apps or specific apps.
  • Technical contacts: Customer information included in the license.
  • Tier: A specified band displaying the number of users for a particular license.
  • Total sales: The total sales accomplished from all hosting types or by a specific app.
  • Transactions: Monetary exchanges associated with licenses.
  • Transaction report: A report showing all transactions with applied filters.
  • Transaction types: Types like new, renewal, upgrade, and refund transactions.


  • Unknown: Regions apart from Americas, APAC, and EMEA.
  • Uninstall: When a customer removes an app from their instance, resulting in data loss.
  • Unsubscribe: When a customer unsubscribes from a cloud app, the license is cancelled, and payment stops, but the data for that instance is retained.
  • Upgrade transaction: The transaction made when a customer upgrades the user tier of the parent product for an existing license.
  • UTC: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the time standard that serves as the basis for timekeeping worldwide. It is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time.


  • $0 transactions: Transactions involving no customer payment, either due to a fully discounted paid license or free access through customer credits, are covered. This also includes free starter tier apps for specified user tiers ($0-10).

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