Last updated Apr 12, 2021

Promotion codes in Marketplace reporting

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    Marketplace Partners can generate and provide promotion codes for customers. This lets partners grant specific percentage discounts on their apps. This is available for cloud, server, and Data Center apps. For more information, see Sales promotions.

    The Atlassian Marketplace provides partners with Paid via Atlassian apps access to reports on the licenses and transactions that occur. Currently, these reports do not contain details on when a promotion code was applied.

    For example:

    • 100% discounts are classed as $0 sales, and as such, do not appear in the sales reporting.
    • Transactions that involve a promotion of less than 100% will show up in sales reporting, but they won't be labeled as such.

    There is an open feature request for this addition of this behavior which can be tracked here:

    AMKT-15900 - Beta Feedback: Sale price should display fees, promotions, discounts

    We encourage you to become a watcher on the issue, and to provide any comments or concerns you may have relating to this.

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