Last updated Jan 31, 2024


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    Upon installation of your app by a customer, a license is generated, encompassing vital details. These include customer information, the maintenance period, customer billing and technical contacts, specific license details, and pertinent partner information related to you.

    The Licenses report provides a comprehensive overview of your customers' licenses, allowing you to access information across hosting types for either all your apps or specific ones.

    You can tailor the report by customizing dates and applying filters to refine details.

    Licenses sample image


    Filters offer different kinds of customizations.

    • Date range: This filter provides multiple iterations to customize the dates. All the dates displayed are in UTC. These are your options:
      • All dates
      • Last 30 days
      • Last 90 days
      • This month to date
      • Last month
      • Year to date
      • Last year
      • Custom
    • Search: You can search for a particular license ID, entitlement number, or customer in the search bar.
      • License ID: The unique identifier generated for licenses for server and Data Center apps.
      • Entitlement number: The unique identifier generated for licenses for cloud apps.
      • Customer: The name of the particular customer that purchased the license.
    • Apps: You can view the information for all your apps together or customize it for specific apps.
    • Hosting: You can view the information for cloud, server and Data Center separately.

    Clicking on More filters offers additional customizations.

    • Start dates and end dates: For all date ranges except All dates, you can view the information either according to license start dates or license end dates.
      • Start date: The date on which the maintenance period starts.
      • End date: The date on which the maintenance period ends.
    • Sale channel: You can customize the information and view from which channel a particular app was installed for which the license was generated
      • Expert: This channel involves certified Atlassian experts who provide specialized services to customers. They have in-depth knowledge of Atlassian products and can offer tailored solutions to meet specific business needs.
      • Reseller: Resellers are third-party companies that sell Atlassian products to their customers. They may also offer additional services, such as implementation, support, and training.
      • Corporate Reseller: Corporate resellers are large-scale resellers that typically cater to enterprise-level customers. They have the capacity to handle large volume sales and offer comprehensive services.
      • Direct: If the license is generated directly from the Marketplace website or EMCEE, it is through the direct channel.
    • License status: You can customize the information according to the status of your license.
      • Active: A license that is currently valid and allows the customer to access the app.
      • Expired: A license that has reached the end of its maintenance period.
      • Cancelled: A license that was terminated by the customer before the maintenance period ended.
    • License type: You can customize the information according to the type of your license.
      • Evaluation: When a customer begins the trial of an app, an evaluation license is generated. This license automatically converts to a paid license once the customer decides to purchase the app. You can view the evaluation licenses initiated within your selected date range.
      • Paid: When a customer starts paying for an app, a paid license is generated.
      • Free: When a customer installs an app for free, a free license is generated. Currently, you can only view those licenses which got converted from paid to free because of the app pricing update.

    Paid and free licenses are further divided into these types:

    • Academic: An academic license is generated when a customer registers themselves as an academic institution. This can either be paid or free.
    • Commercial: A commercial license is a paid license generated when a customer organizaton uses an app for commercial purposes.
    • Community: A community license is a free license generated for community-driven projects.
    • Demonstration: A demonstration license is a free license generated to showcase an app during presentations, trials, or testing phases.
    • Open source: An open source license is a free license generated when you want to give a customer the freedom to view, modify or distribute an app’s source code according to some specified terms.


    Licenses sample image

    The table gives you information about a particular license ID or entitlement number, its start and end dates, the customer the license belongs to, the app it is for, its type, and its status. The table depicts licenses based on the filters selected.

    Clicking on the line item will open up more details:

    • Contacts: The email ID provided by a particular customer for contact from your end.
    • Customer location: The location out of which the customer is based.
    • Maintenance period: This is the period for which the license is originally supposed to be active. It can happen that a customer cancels their license before this period ends.
    • Hosting: The hosting type for an app for a particular license.
    • Tier: A specified band that displays the number of users of the parent product for a particular license. Your app’s pricing depends on this tier. If this increases, the license gets upgraded.
    • License type: This is the category under which your license falls.

    Clicking on More details will take you to a separate page that contains further license details, such as customer technical contact, billing contact or partner information related to you.

    For information about other terms used in the reports, check out the glossary.

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