Last updated Dec 13, 2019

Marketing funnel insights

It's important to measure how effective your digital marketing efforts are in promoting your Marketplace apps. Use marketing funnel insights to get an accurate view on what channels work best for your organization and how to optimize your marketing spend. Marketing funnel insights are available as part of the Marketplace licenses API reporting. The licenses API contains the following fields to help evaluate the ROI of marketing campaigns, based on last touch attribution model:

  • Channel
  • Campaign name
  • Campaign source
  • Campaign medium
  • Campaign content
  • Referrer Domain

Get licenses API

API documentation: The response now contains attribution for each license when requested with the ?withDataInsights=true query parameter. Deprecated support for ?withAttribution=true query parameter is given which will be removed soon.

Sample API response:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 { "_links": { }, "licenses": [ { "addonLicenseId": "123456", "licenseId": "SEN-123456", "addonKey": "", "addonName": "Marketplace App", "hosting": "Cloud", "lastUpdated": "2019-10-01", "licenseType": "EVALUATION", "maintenanceStartDate": "2019-11-01", "maintenanceEndDate": "2022-11-01", "status": "active", "tier": "Evaluation", "contactDetails": { "company": "S.T.A.R. Labs", "country": "United States of America", "region": "Americas", "technicalContact": { "email": "", "name": "Barry Allen" } }, "attribution": { "channel": "Paid Search", "campaignName": "Marketplace App Campaign", "campaignSource": "google", "campaignMedium": "cpc", "campaignContent": "Marketplace App Campaign", "referrerDomain": "" } } ] }

Export licenses API

API documentation: The CSV export when requested with ?withDataInsights=true contains additional fields for attribution data. Deprecated support for ?withAttribution=true query parameter is given which will be removed soon.

  • channel
  • campaignName
  • campaignSource
  • campaignMedium
  • campaignContent
  • referrerDomain

The JSON file has the new fields similar to the get licenses API mentioned above.

Accessing marketing funnel insights data

In the licenses section under reports, follow these steps:

  • Open the filters dropdown
  • Change ‘Type of data’ from “Default” to “With additional insights”
  • Select a date range that is less than 90 days
  • Apply the filters
  • Click to download the CSV link at the top of the page
  • Additional attribution columns will appear for new evaluation licenses

Insights data limitations

  • Attribution data is available approximately 3 days after an evaluation is created.
  • The download API has a 90 day limit on the date range for which attribution data can be queried. The exporting API has a 90 day limit on the date range for which attribution data can be queried. If you’re using query params startDate and endDate, then if endDate minus startDate > 90 days, the exports will not contain attribution data.
  • Attribution data is available for evaluations created after July 2018 to now.

Getting started with UTM tags

A UTM tag, also called UTM parameter, is a string of text added to a webpage URL that provides details about how a user landed on your website. For best results, please follow the recommended way of constructing a campaign. Check that you have constructed your campaign correctly by observing the UTM parameters in the website URL. Marketplace vendor partner should ensure there is no personally identifiable information (PII) data in the UTM parameters, as part of GDPR compliance.

Key UTM tags

Tag NameDescription
Campaign source (utm_source)A parameter to identify the source of your traffic such as: search engine, newsletter, or other referral.
Campaign medium (utm_medium)A parameter to identify the medium the link was used upon ie. : email, CPC, or other method of sharing.
Campaign name (utm_campaign)A parameter to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign such as a Back to school Sale or a campaign name
Campaign content (utm_content)Optional parameter for additional details for A/B testing and content-targeted ads. If you’re A/B testing ads, then this is a useful metric that passes details about your ad. You can also use it to differentiate links that point to the same URL.
Campaign term (utm_term)Optional parameter suggested for paid search to identify keywords for your ad.
Vendor ID (utm_vendorID)Optional parameter for vendor details. This will help Atlassian tie the campaign to a vendor.

Campaigns should be set as per the following recommendation. Any deviation may result in unexpected data entries:

  • campaign source,
  • campaign medium,
  • campaign name,
  • campaign content fields

Sample construct of a campaign:

?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic_social&utm_campaign=First50email&utm_term=social_media &utm_content=video_ad&utm_vendorID=12345

Marketing channels

Here are the marketing channels as defined by Atlassian.

AtlassianTraffic coming from an Atlassian owned site (,, etc), from one of our products (i.e. coming to from the embedded marketplace within Confluence or Jira).
Atlassian co-marketingCo-marketing campaigns are run in combination with a partner where both Atlassian and the partner cross-promote each other, often based around a new feature or integration.
DirectDirect visit to marketplace site ( by web user.
EmailMarketing emails sent to existing customers or evaluators.
Organic searchListings on search engine results pages that appear because of their relevance to the search terms, as opposed to their being advertisements.
OtherA catch all bucket for things that do not fall in any of the above categories
Paid displayGraphical advertising that appears next to content on web pages across blogs, news sites and other niche websites.

These display or banner ads are graphical advertising that include images, logos, rich-multimedia, audio and videos.
Paid searchPaid search is a form of digital marketing where search engines such as Google and Bing allow advertisers to show ads on their search engine results pages (SERPs).
Paid socialAll forms of marketing use of social media where advertisers pay for ad placement (ex: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc...).
Paid otherA catch all bucket for paid content being surfaced on various forums such as developer blogs or advertisements preceding a video on a sites like youtube, tech crunch, etc.
ReferralTraffic from a site that isn't owned by Atlassian and isn't considered a search engine or social network. Examples include vendor partners' landing pages and articles written about Atlassian products. The page request does not have the following parameters (used for paid campaigns) specified: utm, gclid, aclk, mid.
SocialTraffic from social sites that isn't from paid advertisements. The page request does not have the following parameters (used for paid campaigns) specified: utm, gclid, aclk, mid

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