Last updated Jun 13, 2024

Marketplace Partner Program

Marketplace Partners build, list, and sell apps through the Atlassian Marketplace, helping teams customize and extend the power of Atlassian products.

To get started, create your partner profile. To become an Atlassian Marketplace Partner, you'll need to meet the requirements outlined on this page.

Marketplace partner tiers

The Marketplace Partner Program is composed of three tiers: Platinum, Gold, and Silver. Tiers recognize partners' investment in the Atlassian platform and strategy.

Platinum, Gold, and Silver Marketplace Partners have met Atlassian requirements for:

  • Cloud and Data Center: Partners invest in cloud and have Data Center Approved versions of their high-traction server apps.
  • Security: Partners enhance their security practices by participating in our Marketplace Security Programs. Participating apps receive badges on their Marketplace listing to help customers make informed security decisions.

More about the Marketplace Programs on the Partner Portal

Marketplace Partner Program requirements

The Marketplace Partner Program requirements are shown in the following table:

Paid via Atlassian (PVA)
All paid cloud and Data Center apps must be PVAYesYesYes
Minimum of one paid cloud appYesYesYes
All paid server apps of minimum 500 installs must be Data Center approvedYesYesYes

Response time SLA to Atlassian for customer escalations

Monday to Friday based on address in Marketplace profile

Annual gross sales ("Purchase Price" in Marketplace reports)
Minimum $100K annual gross sales comprised of minimum 15% from cloud

Minimum $500K annual gross sales comprised of minimum 25% from cloud


Minimum $3M annual gross sales

Minimum $1M annual gross sales comprised of minimum 35% from cloud


Minimum $2M annual cloud gross sales

Security and trust
Paid Bug Bounty Program participationPublic paid cloud app with most installsAll public paid cloud apps >100 installsAll public paid cloud apps
Bug Bounty Program award amounts meet minimum payout requirementsYesYesYes

Learn more about additional Data Center apps requirements

How Partner Program levels are reviewed

Atlassian reviews each partner's program level in July of each calendar year:

  • The review is completed automatically.
  • When you've met the requirements to advance a level the good news will be shared in the Atlassian Developer Blog.
  • If you're at risk of not meeting your level requirements, you'll be contacted by our team in advance to help you navigate the relevant next steps.

Partner levels are assessed based on the following criteria:

CriteriaJuly review period
Compliance with the following Marketplace Partner Program requirements:
  • Paid via Atlassian (PVA)
  • Support
  • Annual gross sales
  • Activities between July 1 of the previous calendar year to June 30 of the current calendar year
    Compliance with bug bounty program requirementsAll submissions before July 1 of the current calendar year

    Marketplace Partner Program benefits

    The Marketplace Partner Program Benefits are shown in the following table:

    Partners with minimum 1 PVA appSilverGoldPlatinum
    Premiere access

    Access to one to many communications

    Partner Portal, Ecosystem Council notes, and Marketplace product/program webinars and marketing webinars

    Technical Partner ManagerDedicated
    Ecosystem Council attendeeConsideredConsideredConsideredPrioritized
    Marketing and events
    Program tier badge in Marketplace partner profile pageYesYesYes
    Program tier badge for use in marketing collateralMarketplace PartnerSilver Marketplace PartnerGold Marketplace PartnerPlatinum Marketplace Partner
    Access to the ecosystem and product marketing campaigns roadmapYesYesYes
    Co-marketing opportunities for guest blogging and product launch campaignsConsideredPreferentialPreferentialPrioritized
    Summit and Open sponsorship opportunitiesAvailableAvailablePreferentialPrioritized
    Summit and Open discounted or free tickets as a sponsorAvailableAvailableMore ticketsMost tickets
    Custom analyticsYes
    Credits to purchase Atlassian products and Atlassian-made apps for internal use$2,500$20,000$35,000$50,000
    Free access to security tools (Bugcrowd)YesYesYesYes
    Free BitbucketYesYesYesYes
    Early access to programsPreferentialPrioritized

    Access the partner portal

    The partner portal is the place to be for all the resources and the updates around the Atlassian ecosystem.


    Marketplace partners with at least one paid-via-Atlassian app and a private domain email address are eligible for partner portal access. We can't approve submissions from public domain addresses such as those from Google or Yahoo.

    To request access, submit a ticket to our Developer and Marketplace support team

    Quick links

    Get started with these resources:

    Visit the partner portal

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