Last updated Jun 13, 2024

Sales promotions

You can create promotions for paid via Atlassian apps you sell for all instances of Atlassian products. Cloud and Data Center apps have different steps and requirements.

Promotion eligibility

Promotions are available for paid via Atlassian apps compatible with Atlassian products across all hosting types. The list below shows a breakdown of which license types, sale types, and hosting models are eligible for promotions.

  • Payment model: Paid via Atlassian only.
  • Hosting: Cloud, Server, or Data Center. Promotion can only be eligible on one hosting model.
  • License types: Commercial and academic licenses.
  • Sale types: New purchases, renewals, and upgrades.
  • Billing cycle: Monthly or annual. (Applicable only for promotions eligible for cloud apps)

Customers can always use promotions for any eligible license or sale type. For example, if you create a promotion for a Jira app, you don't need to specify that it applies to new, renewal or upgrade purchases; it can automatically be used for any of these. There is no way for you to limit a promotion to one license or sale type.

Cloud apps

For cloud apps, the Marketplace provides a promo code for users to access and apply your promotion via a separate Promotion tab in the Marketplace product instance.

  • This is the only way for customers to access and apply the discount.
    • Otherwise, promotions are not visible on the Marketplace site.
  • Customers applying your promo code are directed to a separate promotion application flow, detailing the eligibility and sale price of the app.

Number of billing cycles

At the time of creating a promotion, define the Number of billing cycle. This parameter will apply the promotion across all billing cyclesyou set.

For example, if a customer applies the promotion with the number of billing cycles defined as 6 for your app, the discount applies to the next 6 transactions for that app. These transactions will cover all app renewals, user tier upgrades, and downgrades.

However, when the customer subsequently wants to convert the billing cycle of the instance from Monthly to Annual or vice-versa, the promotion discount no longer applies, and they'll need to pay full price for the transaction.

Academic license and loyalty discounts

When a promotion is applied to:

  • An academic license purchase, the 50% academic discount applies in addition to the promotion discount.
  • A loyalty discount, the loyalty discount applies first, followed by the promotion discount.
Promotions for Bamboo apps can be used only for new commercial licenses. They cannot be used for academic licenses, renewals or upgrades.

Data Center apps

For Data Center apps, the Marketplace provides a customer-friendly URL for users to apply and access your promotion.

  • This is the only way for customers to access and apply the discount promotions.
    • Otherwise, promotions are not visible on the Marketplace site.
  • Customers accessing your promotion URL are directed to a specialized checkout page, detailing the sale price of the app.

Promotions are for initial transactions

For Data Center apps, a given promotion applies only to the initial transaction where it was used.

For example, if a customer uses the promotion for a discounted first-time purchase of your app, the discount only applies to that purchase transaction. If the customer purchases additional maintenance as part of that transaction, it will also be discounted.

However, when the customer subsequently wants to renew maintenance, the promotion discount no longer applies, and they'll need to pay full price for the renewal.

Customer promotion experience

To distribute promotions for server and Data Center apps, provide a URL from the Marketplace to your customers directly. When customers follow your link, your app is added to their cart with the promotion applied. The promotion URL is automatically created when you complete the steps in the section ahead. Here's an example of a promotion URL:


To distribute promotions for cloud apps, provide a promo code from the Marketplace to your customers directly. Customers can apply the promo code by clicking on “Apply Promotion” button from Promotion tab within the product instance. When the promo code is applied successfully, the promotion is applied for your app on the customer's instance. For the promo code to be applied, your app should already be installed on customer's instance. The promo code is automatically created when you complete the steps in the section ahead. Here's an example of a promo code:


Creating a promotion

You can create any number of promotions simultaneously for your paid via Atlassian apps. You can create unique promotions, meaning that the URLs or promo codes can only be used by one customer. Accordingly, unique promotions should only be shared with one customer since all URLs or promo codes are unique. You can also create generic promotions. Generic promotions use the same URL or promo code and can be used by as many customers as you permit.

For Data Center, you can also create promotions for multiple apps, which are called bundled promotions. All apps must be for the same application and be paid via Atlassian to qualify, All apps in the bundle need to be purchased for the customer to receive the discount as well. Bundled promotions for cloud apps are not available.

When creating a promotion, you’ll be prompted to specify whether it should be for cloud, or Data Center. A promotion can’t mix cloud and Data Center apps.

Here's how to create a promotion: 

  1. Log in to with your partner account.
  2. Click Manage vendor account from the profile menu in the upper right.
  3. Click Promotions.
  4. Click Create promotion
  5. Complete each section and click Next to navigate forward. 
  6. Click Submit on the Confirmation screen to create your promotion.
  7. Copy the URL or promo code from the subsequent Promotions page. Share this URL or promo code with your customers. For server and Data Center, customers can follow this link and have the promotion automatically applied to their cart. For cloud, customers can enter the promo code by clicking on the "Apply Promotion" button within the instance.

Modifying a promotion

Promotions that have already ended can't be edited retroactively. Before the promotion begins, you can edit the following:

  • Promotion name: You can rename your promotion anything you like before the promotion start date.
  • Discount percentage: You can update the discount percentage before the promotion start date.
  • Maximum number of uses: For generic promotions, you can raise the number of times your promotion can be used.
  • Start date: You can update the promotion start date to an earlier date.
  • End date: You can extend a promotion any time. Promotions are intentionally designed not to be shortened since this is a confusing experience for customers.

Once the promotion has started, only the end date can be extended.

To edit a promotion, navigate to your Manage vendor account page. From here, click the pencil icon to edit a promotion.

Ending a promotion early

You can end a promotion early by clicking on the “End Promotion” button provided on the promotion details screen. Ending a promotion early will only stop customers from applying new promotions, while the instances on which the promotion is already applied will continue to get discounts for available billing cycles. We advise terminating promotions only when absolutely necessary, since this can result in a suboptimal customer experience.

Promotions and sales reports

When a customer uses a promotion and finalizes a sale, you'll see this sale reflected in your sales reports.

There are two scenarios when promotions appear used, but aren't immediately visible in your sales reports: 

  1. A promotion code is considered used when it's included in a sales quote. If the customer moves forward with the sale, the license and sale are accordingly shown in your sales reports. Quotes are valid for 30 days, and if the customer doesn't move forward with the sale the promotion will show as unused after this time. 
  2. Alternatively, if an order is flagged for review--for example, if our system detects a potential error in the order--we review the order before the sale is finalized. Once the sale is finalized, it's reflected in your sales report. 
Also, note that 100% off promotions result in a $0 "sale" and are therefore not reflected in sales reports.

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