Last updated Jan 31, 2024


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    Whenever there is monetary exchange associated with any of the licenses, it is called a transaction. The generation of a new license, renewal or upgrade of an existing one or refund due to cancellation are all considered transactions.

    The Transactions report provides a detailed overview of the transactions done to acquire licenses across hosting types for all your apps or specific ones.

    To retrieve and analyze data, you can customize the dates and apply filters.

    Transactions sample image


    Transactions sample image

    Filters offer different kinds of customizations.

    • Date range: This filter provides multiple iterations to customize the dates. All the dates displayed are in UTC. These are your options:
      • All dates
      • Last 30 days
      • Last 90 days
      • This month to date
      • Last month
      • Year to date
      • Last year
      • Custom
    • Search: You can search for a particular license ID, host entitlement number, or app entitlement number in the search bar.
      • License ID: The unique identifier generated for licenses for server and Data Center apps.
      • Host entitlement number: The unique identifier for the parent product license for cloud apps.
      • App entitlement number: The unique identifier for licenses for cloud apps.
    • Apps: You can view the information for all your apps together or customize it for specific apps.
    • Hosting: You can view the information for cloud, server, and Data Center separately.

    Clicking on More filters offers additional customizations.

    • Sale type: You can customize the information and see what type of sale was made for a particular transaction.

      • New: The transaction made when a customer pays for a license for the first time.
      • Renewal: The transaction made when the customer renews an existing license.
      • Upgrade: The transaction made when the customer upgrades the user tier of an existing license.
      • Refund: The transaction made when the customer cancels an existing license and gets a refund.
    • Sale channel: You can customize the information and view from which channel a particular app was installed for which the license was generated

      • Expert: This channel involves certified Atlassian experts who provide specialized services to customers. They have in-depth knowledge of Atlassian products and can offer tailored solutions to meet specific business needs.
      • Reseller: Resellers are third-party companies that sell Atlassian products to their customers. They may also offer additional services, such as implementation, support, and training.
      • Corporate Reseller: Corporate resellers are large-scale resellers that typically cater to enterprise-level customers. They have the capacity to handle large volume sales and offer comprehensive services.
      • Direct: If the license is generated directly from the Marketplace website or embedded Marketplace, it is through the direct channel.
    • Billing period: You can customize the information to view licenses according to their billing cycle.

      • Monthly: The transactions shown after applying this filter have a monthly billing cycle.
      • Annual: The transactions shown after applying this filter have an annual billing cycle.
    • $0 transactions: You can also filter for all transactions for which the net revenue was $0. These are transactions that don't involve any payment from the customer’s side because they were done for a paid license that was either 100% discounted or became free because the customer had some credit. Free starter tier apps ($0-10$ apps for a specified user tier) are also included in this.


    Transactions sample image

    The table gives you information about a particular order ID, its sale date, the customer’s name for that specific ID, the app for which the transaction was done, the sale type and the net revenue generated from the transaction. The table depicts the transactions based on the filters selected.

    Clicking on the line item will open up more details:

    • License ID: The unique identifier generated for licenses for server and Data Center apps.
    • Host entitlement number: The unique identifier for the parent product license for cloud apps.
    • App entitlement number: The unique identifier for licenses for cloud apps.
    • Contacts: The email ID provided by a particular customer for contact.
    • Customer location: The location out of which the customer is based.
    • Hosting: The hosting type for an app for a particular license.
    • Tier: A specified band that displays the number of users of the parent product for a particular license. Your app’s pricing depends on this tier. If this increases, the license gets upgraded.
    • Maintenance period: This is the period for which the license is originally supposed to be active. It can happen that a customer cancels their license before this period ends.
    • Net revenue: The revenue generated from a particular transaction after subtracting the Atlassian fee from the sale price. The table on the right displays a calculation of your sale price, the Atlassian fee that was deducted and the net revenue generated.
    • Sale price: The price at which an app is listed.
    • Atlassian fee: The cut that Atlassian takes from a sale.

    For information about other terms used in the reports, check out the glossary.

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