Last updated Aug 12, 2024

Build customer trust in cloud

Trust is a key aspect of customer app purchasing and retention, and should be a critical piece of your strategy to maximize your potential customer base in cloud. The guide below is designed to help you build, launch, and grow secure, trustworthy apps.

This guide is for you if you're:

  • Designing an app you want to sell on the Atlassian Marketplace.
  • Growing your Atlassian Marketplace business.
  • Intending to sell to:
    • Larger (enterprise) customers
    • SMBs (small-medium businesses) in Europe and need to follow GDPR regulations
    • Regulated industries, such as healthcare, government, or finance.

Image of trust journey, showing seven phases

1. Design your app for trust

Designing your app with trust in mind can help you appeal to a broader range of customers, including enterprise customers, and avoid app rejection due to missing security requirements.

  • Follow secure by design principles.
  • Understand security requirements & programs.
  • Meet your legal obligations.

Design your app for trust.

2. Establish trustworthy business practices and policies

Trust isn't just about making sure your apps are secure – it also includes the business processes and internal policies that are in place before you launch your app on the Marketplace.

Setting up trustworthy business practices and policies will help you respond to customer questions around trust, and make it easier to get compliance certifications and attract enterprise customers in the future.

To help ensure you’re trustworthy before launch, follow our pre-launch trust checklist.

3. Showcase trust features

Your app listing is a great place to showcase trust features. It can help customers ensure your app meets their needs, and also pre-emptively answer their security questions so you don’t have to.

  • Complete the Privacy and Security tab on your app listing.
  • Create your own trust center or documentation.
  • Follow the app approval guidelines.

Showcase trust features.

4. Follow trust updates

Trust is constantly evolving. Staying updated with Atlassian trust features will help you maintain app credibility, stay competitive with other Marketplace Partners, and get program updates to ensure you retain your status.

  • Stay up to date with Atlassian communication channels.
  • Grow your Atlassian trust knowledge with the Partner Portal.

Follow trust updates.

5. Prioritize trust to grow your customer base

An elevated level of trust will help you become more efficient, attract customers, and grow your business, especially when it comes to winning large (enterprise) customers.

  • 73% of surveyed enterprise customers say apps meeting their compliance requirements is very or extremely important
  • 80% of surveyed enterprise customers say apps meeting their data residency requirements is very or extremely important

By prioritizing trust, you'll:

  • Avoid wasting money or time on things that may not matter to your customer base.
  • Grow and maintain your company’s reputation.
  • Avoid losing customers when they migrate, grow and mature, or when regulations evolve.
  • Be able to expand to new markets.

Here are some key trust priority areas to consider:

6. Achieve enterprise-grade trust

Build an advanced trust strategy to reach enterprise-grade level and unlock the following benefits:

  • Maximize your market
  • Maximize revenue per customer by moving up market and attracting enterprise customers
  • Optimize for the most high trust customers to meet the trust needs of the full market

To meet enterprise needs, you may want to:

Get help

Here are some additional links to help you grow customer trust.

More resources and guidance

GDPR resources

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) resources

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