Last updated Aug 22, 2024

Follow trust updates from Atlassian

Trust is constantly evolving. Staying updated with Atlassian trust features will help you maintain app credibility, stay competitive with other Marketplace Partners, and get program updates to ensure you retain your status. This page shows you where to go for relevant trust updates and resources.

Stay up to date with Atlassian communication channels

Atlassian provides dedicated developer content and news, including important trust updates and resources. Here are some ways you can stay up to date.

Check out Atlassian communication channels.

Subscribe to the Atlassian developer changelog.

Browse our Ecosystem Trust Updates & Quick Reference Guides.

Subscribe to our developer blog.

Grow your Atlassian trust knowledge with the Partner Portal

The Partner Portal contains a number of helpful resources and recommendations for privacy, security, and compliance. You can log into the Partner Portal with your partner account or request access.

Check out the Encyclopedia of Trust for Marketplace Partners.

Get advice and resources on how to grow customer trust.

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