Last updated Oct 23, 2023

Server app licensing

As of Feb 15, 2024, Atlassian Marketplace will no longer offer sales and support for server apps. We are in the process of updating the server related information in DAC to reflect this change and some of the existing information may not align with the current experience. If you're considering cloud or have migrating customers, here's the step-by-step guide to help moving your app and customers to cloud.

How can I make my app use Atlassian licenses?

To list a paid via Atlassian app, you must use Atlassian's licensing system. You can do so by using the Atlassian Licensing Support API in your app. You can find a tutorial here Adding licensing support to server apps.

What is a license end date?

Just like Atlassian products, customers can get an evaluation license or purchase a standard Atlassian license for a paid via Atlassian listing. Customers receive an evaluation license when they choose the Free 30 day Trial button on the Marketplace or the Try button in the Universal Plugin Manager (UPM). An evaluation license allows a customer to use an app until the evaluation period end-date is reached. After the 30-day evaluation period, the app's license enforcement mechanism engages and the app becomes invalid. (As the Marketplace partner, you determine how the app functions in response to an invalid evaluation license).

Standard Atlassian licenses allow users to perpetually use an app. Customers receive a standard license when they choose the Buy License Now from the Marketplace or the Buy button in the UPM. A standard license gives your customer maintenance for a year from date of purchase. Maintenance includes support and access to any version upgrades for a year from date of purchase. One year after purchase, the maintenance expires and the customer must renew the license to receive support or maintenance for the next 12 month period.

How does a license determine a maintenance start and end date?

Maintenance is valid for one year after purchase. The maintenance-start and -end date are encoded into the license. The Atlassian Licensing system reports whether licenses are in maintenance. To determine license maintenance for a given version of your app, the maintenance-start and -end date of the license is compared against the build-date of your app.

Find out more about maintenance here: When does software maintenance start?.

How do evaluation or trial licenses work?

Just like Atlassian products, customers can get an evaluation license or purchase a standard Atlassian license for a paid via Atlassian listing. Customers receive an evaluation license when they choose the Free 30 day Trial button on the Marketplace or the Try button in the UPM. An evaluation license allows a customer to use an app until the evaluation period end-date is reached. After the 30-day evaluation period, the app's license enforcement mechanism engages and the app becomes invalid. As the Marketplace partner, you determine how the app functions in response to an invalid evaluation license.

In certain cases, an app evaluation can be longer than 30 days, particularly in Atlassian Cloud. The app evaluation will actually end on the next billing cycle date after a full 30 day evaluation period. Read more here: Sales and evaluations reports for paid via Atlassian listings

Find out more: Can I evaluate a product for free before purchasing it?.

How do open source licenses work?

Atlassian wants to support the Open Source community that has helped Atlassian come so far, open source projects can apply for no-cost Open Source licenses. Approved organizations can request Open Source licenses for paid via Atlassian apps by contacting Atlassian sales representatives. These representatives validate and issue Community licenses.

Can customers use developer licenses for my app?

Marketplace app customers can get developer licenses for apps just as they can for host Atlassian products. Developer licenses are intended for staging or development environments only. Customers who have purchased Marketplace apps can get developer licenses by clicking the View Developer License link from their license page on

The license types between the app and host product must match. That is, an app with a developer license only works in a host product that also has a developer license. The same applies to production licenses--a host product with a production license only takes apps that also have production licenses. If an app license type doesn't match its host product, the UPM reports a license error status of "Incompatible with product license (wrong type)" for that app.

Find out how to create developer licenses here: What are developer licenses, how are they used?.

Can I generate license for my app?

At this time, there is no automatic way to issue yourself a license to your Marketplace app. We may add this in the future. In the meantime you can use sales promotions to create any 100% discount licenses you need for internal purposes.

Can my customer purchase more than a year of maintenance?

Marketplace customers can purchase maintenance for one, two, or three years.

Can maintenance license renewal dates be synchronized across all of a customer's paid via Atlassian apps?

Yes. Find out more here: Can maintenance dates be synchronized on licenses?.

Can I convert my old licensing system to the Atlassian licensing system?

If you're already selling your app outside the Marketplace using your own licensing, you can transition your customers to Atlassian Marketplace licensing at no charge. We provide a REST API enabling you to convert your own licenses into Atlassian-compatible licenses. For more information, see Converting proprietary licenses into Marketplace licenses.

Which product versions does the licensing solution support?

The licensing solution provided by the UPM supports the following products:

  • Confluence Cloud
  • Confluence Server (3.1 and newer)
  • Jira Cloud
  • Jira Server (4.1 and newer)
  • Bitbucket Server (1.0 and newer)
  • Bamboo Server (2.6 and newer)
  • Fisheye/Crucible (2.4 and newer)

Can I get a license ID via the PluginLicense API?

Yes, you can. Use the PluginLicense.getSupportEntitlementNumber() method to get this value.

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